Home » 16.8% of Mother’s Day gifts will be purchased in the center of Medellín

16.8% of Mother’s Day gifts will be purchased in the center of Medellín

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16.8% of Mother’s Day gifts will be purchased in the center of Medellín

The second most important date for commerce in Antioquia, after Christmas, is Mother’s Day. This event will be held next Sunday, May 12 throughout Colombia.

Fenalco Antioquia conducted a survey to learn more about what this day will be like in the department.


Among the most notable data is that 84.2% of the inhabitants will celebrate this day, a figure very similar to that of 2023, with 85.2%.

Among those who will enjoy this day, 42.8% will do so at home, while 26.8% will visit a family member. 25.8% plan to go out to restaurants, 2.7% plan to travel and 1.9% have other activities for that day.

Taking into account that at the moment we have an inflation of 7.95% in Medellín and the Metropolitan Area, lower than last year (12.99%), sales of a little more than 1 billion pesos are projected.

And those who don’t celebrate?

15.8% of those surveyed say that they will not celebrate this traditional day, because 45.5% do not have money. 26% do not have their mother alive, 10.4% have her far away, 10.4% have other reasons for not celebrating and for 7.8% the date is not important.

The chosen gifts

As for the favorite gift for mom, clothing and footwear stand out. 51.1%, more than half of Antioquians, will be surprised with this gift. Among other options, cash (26.1%), flowers and chocolates (24.4%), others (13.6%), toiletries (12.9%), jewelry and watches (10, 7%), technology (7.5%), travel and tickets (7.5%), household appliances (2.9), and bicycle, gym or SPA (1%).

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Chain stores are the favorite place to shop for 37% of those surveyed. Internet, with 21.2%, is part of the preferences of Antioqueños, while 17.3% will visit specialized stores and 16.8% will buy gifts in the center of Medellín, especially in the El Hueco sector. 14.1% will do so in department stores and 3.9% through catalog sales.

The investment to celebrate the day

Regarding the budget, 9.7% will invest up to $50,000, 22.9% between $51,000 and $100,000, 35.3% between $101,000 and $200,000, 15.5% between $201,000 and $300,000 and 16.7% more of $301,000. Regarding investment, 57.2% will allocate the same as last year, 21.9% will spend less and 20.9% will have a larger budget.

And the preferred means of payment is cash with 44.3%, followed by the debit card with 37.7%, payment by credit card will be 15.6%, and others 2.4%.

“We hope that Mother’s Day will be a very profitable day for the entire Antioquia economy. Restaurants, stores, shopping centers, gastrobars and commerce in general are ready to receive this special date in which we hope that the 84.2% that will celebrate in different places, and with family, will generate income for the department for a little more of 1 billion pesos,” indicates María José Bernal Gaviria, executive director of Fenalco Antioquia.

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