Home » 5 key moments from Michael Cohen’s explosive testimony in Trump’s criminal trial in New York

5 key moments from Michael Cohen’s explosive testimony in Trump’s criminal trial in New York

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5 key moments from Michael Cohen’s explosive testimony in Trump’s criminal trial in New York

The ongoing criminal trial of former President Donald Trump in New York took a dramatic turn on Monday with the explosive testimony of his former lawyer, Michael Cohen. Cohen, who is considered the star witness for the Prosecutor’s Office, revealed shocking details about Trump’s involvement in a scheme to influence the 2016 presidential election by silencing negative stories.

Cohen’s testimony focused on the handling of the scandal involving porn actress Stormy Daniels, who alleges she had a sexual encounter with Trump in 2006. According to Cohen, Trump directed him to pay a bribe to Daniels to keep her story quiet until after the election. The reimbursement for the payment was allegedly falsified by Trump to conceal the scandal.

During his testimony, Cohen emphasized that all his actions were done at the direction and for the benefit of Trump, noting that “everything required Trump’s approval.” Cohen, who was once a loyal employee of Trump, is now a declared enemy of the former president.

Trump currently faces 34 charges of falsifying business documents related to covering up payments to silence individuals with damaging information. He has maintained his innocence, describing the trial as a witch hunt to prevent him from seeking a return to the White House.

Five key moments from Cohen’s testimony were highlighted during the trial on Monday, including the payment made to Stormy Daniels with Cohen’s own money. He detailed how Trump approved the payment and ensured Cohen would be reimbursed through falsified documents, resulting in a larger sum than the original payment.

Cohen also revealed Trump’s instructions to keep Daniels’ story quiet for the campaign, emphasizing that it was solely for the benefit of Trump’s electoral prospects. Additionally, Cohen disclosed how he was tasked with silencing other women with damaging stories about Trump, including former Playboy model Karen McDougal.

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The trial also delved into Trump’s alleged collaboration with tabloids like The National Enquirer to suppress negative stories about him. Cohen recounted a meeting where the tabloid’s editor offered to prevent negative articles about Trump from being published, highlighting the lengths to which Trump’s team went to protect his image.

Lastly, Cohen’s testimony revealed his aspirations to serve as Trump’s chief of staff after the 2016 election, showcasing the close relationship between the two despite Cohen’s eventual fall from grace. Cohen admitted that his desire for the position was driven more by ego than competency, illustrating the complex dynamics at play within Trump’s inner circle.

As Cohen prepares to return to the stand on the 16th day of Trump’s trial, the shocking revelations from his testimony continue to captivate observers and shed light on the extent of Trump’s alleged misconduct during his tenure as president.

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