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A Gala for Carla Fracci

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A Gala for Carla Fracci

A dance gala can be endless and even boring. Things change for the Carla Fracci Gala with which the Teatro alla Scala in Milan wanted to pay homage to the great dancer, one of the most acclaimed of the 1900s who died on May 20 last year. And to remember the Carlina here are Alessandra Ferri, Roberto Bolle and Marianela Nunez, the principal dancers and the dance troupe of the theater.

All songs interpreted by Fracci in her long career, starting with her fetish role “Giselle”. With whom to replace it? With nobody. Here then is that the director of the ballet, Manuel Legris chooses the scene of Myrta and the Willi, moment for a great dancer (Alice Mariani) and a very well trained ballet troupe that performs in what Americans call traveling arabesque. That is, they cross the scene in arabesque twice divided into two rows that cross in the center.

And then “Excelsior”, the most famous made in Italy ballet together with the “Strada” of almost a century later. Camilla Cerulli and Mattia Semperboni perform on their part in a series of technical skills that spark the room.

The “Romeo and Juliet”, the danced balcony scene without a balcony, impoverishes even more the choreography of Rudolf Nureyev on whose qualities as creator perhaps it would be appropriate to open a reflection (well Vittoria Valerio and Marco Agostino. to two of “Nutcracker” also by Rudy, proposes the problem in other words: “Every note a step” commented the late Vittoria Ottolnghi .; is it a merit to me? of Paris and appointed Legris étoile. Marianela Nunez and Bolle danced the step two from the “Merry Widow” (choreography by Hynd) and the step two of the first act of Cranko’s “Onegin”. Here Bolle unveiled a beautiful series by Grand Jétés. Astounding, given that she is 47 years old. But evidently, as they said at school, if you apply it can do super well. framework that brings out of mat to ballet addicts. And here it was performed comme il faut by Agnese di Clemente, Garbiele Corrado, Christian Fagetti, Edoardo Caporaletti and Mattia Semperboni.

Alessandra Ferri gave a piece from her latest hit “L’heure Exquise” that Béjart made many years ago for Fracci. While Roland Petit signed the ballet “Chéri” by Colette. Excellent Nicola del Freo and Emanuela Montanari. Which on this occasion bade farewell to the scene. The audience noticed it from the long applause and the bouquet of flowers. No official announcement from the Theater. Where Jacopo Tissi ex Bolshoj is about to arrive. To the delight of Timofej Andriashenko, Marco Agostino Claudio Coviello Nicola Del Freo and Antonino Sutera, principal dancers still on stand by.

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