Home » A series of good news and good news. During the May Day holiday, many major national projects have steadily advanced and achieved breakthroughs_News Channel_CCTV.com (cctv.com)

A series of good news and good news. During the May Day holiday, many major national projects have steadily advanced and achieved breakthroughs_News Channel_CCTV.com (cctv.com)

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A series of good news and good news. During the May Day holiday, many major national projects have steadily advanced and achieved breakthroughs_News Channel_CCTV.com (cctv.com)

National Project in Ningbo Zhoushan Port Makes Breakthrough During May Day Holiday

In the midst of the May Day holiday, a major national project in Ningbo Zhoushan Port has made significant progress. The Shuangyumen Navigation Bridge, a key control project of the second phase of the Liuheng Highway Bridge, is preparing to complete the first “shaped steel frame + steel prefabricated component” integral hoisting in China.

This national key project, which is the largest sea-crossing bridge in the country, is pushing boundaries with this innovative hoisting method. The project involves a team of dedicated young individuals, such as Huang Chong, who is responsible for ensuring the precision and safety of the hoisting process.

The hoisting of a 150-ton steel frame structure, equivalent to lifting 100 family cars at once, presents a unique set of challenges. With more than 800 joints needing to be accurately docked at a height of 40 meters, the construction team must showcase their expertise and proficiency.

Despite facing adverse weather conditions, such as dense fog and heavy rain, the construction team remains dedicated to meeting the project deadlines. Night shift construction has become common practice to ensure that the construction schedule stays on track.

The completion of the second phase of the Liuheng Highway Bridge is expected to have a significant impact on the development of the national marine economy and the construction of new areas in Zhoushan. It will enhance the transportation infrastructure in the area and contribute to the creation of a modern marine industrial base.

The dedication and hard work of the construction team in Ningbo Zhoushan Port exemplify the spirit of innovation and progress that is driving major national projects forward during this May Day holiday.

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