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Actress and former Choco queen was murdered in Mexico

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Former Choco queen and actress Ana Margoth Acosta Rengifo, 43, was murdered in Michoacán, Mexico.

Since June 2023, he had disappeared in Mexico, where he had traveled in search of better opportunities.

It was reported that she was a victim of kidnapping, human trafficking and femicide. The 43-year-old woman from Choco was buried this Tuesday, May 8, according to the Colombian Embassy in Mexico.

“With pain we inform that Ania Margoth Acosta was buried. A Colombian victim of trafficking and a femicide, but also of abandonment by the State. Today we failed a family, to whom we apologize,” the Colombian Embassy in Mexico lamented in a statement. In turn, he asked the authorities of both countries to accelerate the investigation of the case.

Ania Margoth, who was also queen of the Chocó department, played roles in several productions such as ‘The Detectives and the Victor’, ‘The Commander’ and ‘The Black Widow’.

The actress, mother of one son, studied at the Externado University of Colombia, presented some castings for series and films, but was not selected, this would have prompted her decision to travel to Aztec lands where there is evidently good activity in the audiovisual industry and several compatriots have found important opportunities.

The last activity Ania had on Facebook was on June 16, 2023 before her disappearance. According to the page published by the Strategic Human Rights Litigation page in Mexico, after her disappearance and based on what was reported by her relatives, the previous days were unusual.

“Being far from his family and place of origin, there is little information about what could have happened to him. There is still no clear hypothesis of the facts. However, it is believed that the people who deprived her of her freedom did so to use her for illicit purposes. The days before her disappearance, Ania had been harassed by someone whom she defined as a gangster, who pressured her to fight with other people and have sexual relations with him,” reads her breaking latest news about the disappearance. her.

This entity, abbreviated on its website as IDHEAS, would have been the first to be interested in the Colombian’s absence. “Ania Margoth Acosta Rengifo is a Colombian woman who migrated to Mexico in search of a better life. For work reasons, she traveled to Michoacán, with the intention of going to Guadalajara in later days. And, on June 22, 2023, she was deprived of her freedom. Her family stopped hearing from her in the early hours of that day and, on June 27, 2023, they filed a complaint with the Colombian Foreign Ministry. Not having clear answers or effectiveness in the search, they decided to contact a group in Colombia, which directed them to IDHEAS,” reports the IDHEAS page.

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The post Actress and former Chocó queen was murdered in Mexico appeared first on Chocó7días.com.

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