Home » Aida Victoria Merlano’s fierce defense of WestCol

Aida Victoria Merlano’s fierce defense of WestCol

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Aida Victoria Merlano’s fierce defense of WestCol

Aída Victoria Merlano has become one of the most controversial content creators in the country, since she used the media chaos that arose from her mother’s legal problems to launch her own project on social networks, her audience has been growing significantly, leaving thousands of followers on platforms such as Instagram, Tik Tok or X.

The truth is that recently the young woman who a few months ago decided to move from Barranquilla to Medellín, made the decision to give herself a second chance at love with WestCol, the famous streamer who has also managed to build a career on platforms like Twitch doing live streaming. on different topics.

This decision by the Barranquilla woman has sparked all kinds of reactions on social networks where many of her followers have questioned her about this relationship that in the past hurt her and did not end in the best way.

In fact, in recent days, the influencer has already responded to some acidic comments on build a family and become a mother.

Precisely this comment from an Internet user on social media awakened in Aída Victoria the need to make a video reflecting on the times that as public figures, both she and other characters like WestCol have had to apologize for comments or positions regarding different topics. :

“I’m going to give you context as to why you’re burning me on Twitter. And basically it is because people are saying that if I am an intelligent and empowered woman like I am with someone like WestCol and there I left an answer,” she began by saying, showing the forceful statement that she shared a few hours ago.

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