Home » Alert! Florida may be left without a main road

Alert! Florida may be left without a main road

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Alert!  Florida may be left without a main road

A week ago the workers of a private property located between La Florida and La Bella endured one of the strongest storms in the last month. The next morning, when they went for their usual rounds, they observed that something had noticeably changed and they immediately called the owner of the farm, who in turn documented the situation to report it to Carder and other related entities.

The landslide (or fault), as they call it, occurred on the slope that, in a straight line downwards, meets the main road to the village and, of course, the Otún River. The locals and other workers reported that around 3,000 cubic meters of earth could fall if the slope stabilization work was not carried out and the necessary intervention was not carried out, because those who live from tourism and livestock would be left nowhere to go for a long time. and alternate routes are very expensive for the community.

4 families are located in the lower part of the fault.

Three years ago a similar situation arose, the workers of the municipality have been in the lower part cleaning and in the final touches of the intervention. According to what can be observed there, it is that there was a first tarjado that was some time old and now, which makes evident the new detachment. In the place it can be seen that there are several water sources, another possible cause. “On Saturday night, lightning also struck and shook our house and if the way it moved the house it moved that earth, that’s the cause,” said one of the property workers.

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Aerial view with the drone on the landslide problem.

What happened here to you?

“We must remember the fault of the Future, which when it came passed to the other bank of the river. We need attention from the Governor’s Office or the Mayor’s Office.”

“We think it obviously happened because of the winter. But that lightning that fell blew up the camera in Don Orlando’s house and damaged three lamps.”

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