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“Beyond the damage the mockery” [notiziediprato.it]

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“Beyond the damage the mockery” [notiziediprato.it]

The government postponed payments by only twenty days. Businesses: “More than insult to injury”

The entrepreneurs had asked for the suspension of tax, social security, social security, administrative and environmental obligations for businesses in the flooded areas. In the Advances Decree there is the amendment for non-repayable loans for exports

Adding insult to injury to the flooded companies: with the advance payment decree, only a postponement of 20 days will be granted for the payment of taxes due on 16 November (first IRES, IRPEF and IRAP advance).
The entrepreneurs, however, had asked for the suspension of tax, social security, administrative and environmental obligations for businesses in the flooded areas.

“The postponement of tax obligations for flooded companies has finally arrived. – the comment of Daniele Matteini president of Ctn – But it is limited to just 20 days, as if such a short period of time was enough to restart devastated companies. In recent days I have already had the opportunity to observe that there is no awareness of the gravity of what has happened. I would add that there is not even an awareness of how disconcerting such behavior on the part of the institutions can be. We have clearly understood that the treasury cannot afford to give up the revenue from companies in a significant part of Tuscany in the 2023 financial year. I respond to this in two ways: first, that it would have been more correct to say it from the beginning, rather than today being faced with a decree that leaves one incredulous and smacks of mockery; second, that it is not the fault of the companies if in these cases the system is based on senseless criteria”. The industrialists’ association had also proposed that if in a municipality only a very small percentage of companies are flooded, the self-certifications of the companies should proceed damaged companies. Certification to be checked subsequently, in order to avoid that the tax moratoriums were also applied to those who did not suffer damage.

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The Tuscan Democratic Party also comments on the advances decree: “As the Democratic Party, we read in a note signed by Diego Blasi – for weeks we have been raising the alarm about the risk faced not only by businesses affected by the flood but by the entire supply chain, given that these are connected realities. When we say that companies cannot wait we are not only referring, for example, to the 120 Prato companies directly involved, but also to all those in the district because, if one goes bankrupt and is unable to pay the taxes, the others will also suffer. Faced with estimated damages from Irpet amounting to 1.3 billion euros for Tuscan companies, the Government proposes to extend the deadlines for the payment of contributions and taxes to 20 December, which moves the deadline to a date just a few days later upon entry into force of the Decree”.

Meanwhile, aid is on the way for export companies located in the areas of Tuscany affected by the floods of November 2nd. There will be no new charges for public finance – we also read in the technical report of the proposed amendment – clarifying that the resources of the treasury account in the name of the Italian company for businesses abroad, Simest SpA, will be used. These are contributions to the fund lost, for the compensation of direct damages suffered by the returned companies and for which no other compensation was received.

“With an amendment to the budget already signed, the Government has identified the tool to unlock aid for export businesses as soon as possible – comments the blue MP Erica Mazzetti – including those that are part of the supply chain. As illustrated by Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani himself in the meeting in the Municipality of Prato, the Government is allocating 100 million in non-repayable funds and 200 in subsidized loans. These are huge resources to cover the damage, at least in part, and to encourage the restart and competitiveness.”

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