Home » Captured alias “Chiqui”, accused of terrible homicide that occurred the previous year in Meta – news

Captured alias “Chiqui”, accused of terrible homicide that occurred the previous year in Meta – news

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Captured alias “Chiqui”, accused of terrible homicide that occurred the previous year in Meta – news

The departmental government opened the public call for stimuli for the 2024 period, aimed at artists, creators, researchers, entrepreneurs and cultural managers, in order to strengthen art and culture in Meta. These incentives will be delivered through the modalities of prizes, recognitions, scholarships and economic incentives.

This year, 371 incentives are included for a value of more than $1.3 billion so that, in the various disciplines of the cultural field under the thematic lines of creation, research, circulation, training, sustainability and sustainability, cultural management and safeguarding, it is strengthened and Greater circulation of artists and managers is promoted in the 29 municipalities of the department.

In addition, new lines were opened that were not contemplated in the previous calls, such as: cultural management projects of the Community Action Boards, projects aimed at children, for PDET municipalities, projects to strengthen the management of the Municipal Culture Councils. , projects with a focus on women, sustainability and sustainability projects of dance academies and projects with a focus on older adults.

The stimuli will be distributed as follows:

Plastic arts 122 $182,000,000 Libraries 13 $53,000,000 Cinema 10 $40,000,000 Circus 4 $14,000,000 Communications 15 $40,000,000 Dance 37 $160,000,000 Cultural management 19 $139,000,000 Music 73 $316.0 00,000 Heritage 64 $265,000,000 Theater 11 $65,000 ,000 Literature 3 $42,000,000 TOTAL VALUE OF INCENTIVES 371 $1,316,000,000

Registration is open until March 13, 2024 and artists or managers may participate with a single proposal, once registration has been made through the website. https://culturameta.gov.co in the “Calls” option, and register all the information and documentation required. In addition, through this website, you will be able to expand the information on specific aspects of the call.

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Source: Meta Government Press

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