Home » China does not condemn the invasion of Ukraine: “We understand Russian fears”. And send 9 jets to Taiwan’s defense space

China does not condemn the invasion of Ukraine: “We understand Russian fears”. And send 9 jets to Taiwan’s defense space

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China does not condemn the invasion of Ukraine: “We understand Russian fears”.  And send 9 jets to Taiwan’s defense space

China has not condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine, calling for restraint and a diplomatic solution when the situation is out of control. On the other hand, Beijing has accused the US of fomenting the crisis, while the Chinese industrial giants are alarmed not only by the substantial interests in Ukraine but also by the sanctions against Russia. While it sent 9 more Chinese military fighters into Taiwan’s defense space, under further pressure on the rebel island in the biggest foray in the past two weeks.

Beijing always respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries. At the same time, we have also seen that the Ukrainian question has complex and special historical latitude and longitude and we understand Russia’s legitimate security concerns, “said Foreign Minister Wang Yi in a phone call with Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, attacking the mentality from the Cold War of the USA. China’s embarrassment is evident with the Russian armed forces attacking Ukrainian territory from multiple fronts and with bombed cities. Beijing cannot openly support the “quasi-ally” since it would be tantamount to justifying a flagrant violation of international law, while – for internal reasons – the Chinese government has always invoked the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state.

President Xi Jinping himself, in a phone call last week with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, reiterated his support for Kiev’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, advocating a negotiated solution. The embarrassment is now such that even the use of the term “invasion” has become problematic, as Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying rejected “the preconceived use of words in the typical style of making questions from the Western media ». On the evolution of Chinese politics, on tactical positioning and strategic choices in the face of the Russian invasion, Beijing will not want Washington to frame its alternatives and choices, aiming to protect its own interests. The Communist leadership has the ambition to balance three goals: a strategic relationship with Russia, a commitment to the principles of “non-interference” and a desire to minimize collateral damage to Chinese interests due to economic turmoil and potential sanctions. secondary of the US, EU and allies. The Chinese position today has a greater propensity towards Moscow, but from Beijing they have no interest in being fully involved given the predictable aftermath that Putin’s move is destined to have on the international level, even if for now embracing languages ​​preferred by the Kremlin. The risk, in practice, is to have a consensus on Russian politics perceived through silence and / or complicity. And then there is a non-secondary element bounced on social media in Mandarin where the Ukrainian affair was commented on between amazement and disbelief. On Weibo, the Chinese Twitter, someone questioned whether Putin did not already have clear ideas about the Ukraine dossier during his visit to Beijing on February 4. Officially he was in the Chinese capital for the opening of the Winter Games and to meet “his friend” Xi, and to return home with the strongest joint declaration ever signed by the two countries since the end of the Second World War with the West in its sights. , USA and allies.

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