Home » Cities of three provinces wake up covered with ashes from Sangay

Cities of three provinces wake up covered with ashes from Sangay

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Cities of three provinces wake up covered with ashes from Sangay

The city of Babahoyo, covered in ash from Sangay, on Sunday, January 7, 2024, in a photo by the city’s mayor, Gustavo Barquet.

The provinces of Los Ríos, Bolívar and Chimborazo have recorded a slight fall of ash from the Sangay volcanofrom which a pyroclastic flow was observed this Sunday, reported the Geophysical Institute (IG) of the National Polytechnic School.

According to the IG, in images captured by the Santa Rosa Camera from 05:32 local time this Sunday (10:32 GMT), a pyroclastic density current was observed.

This type of phenomenon is typically rich in ash and gases, which could cause a increase in sediments in the Upano River.

He recalled that these phenomena have been observed in previous episodes, such as November 2023.

“If heavy rains are recorded in the sectors surrounding the Sangay volcano, remobilization of this material can be expected, causing flows of mud and debris (lahars) in the volcano’s ravines,” he warned.

And as a precaution, he recommended Do not enter or approach the channels of the Sangay Norte, Culebrillas, Palora, Volcán and Upano rivers..

El Sangay, 5,230 meters above sea level and permanently active, is located in the Amazonian province of Morona Santiago, in an Andean branch that gets lost in the jungle. EFE

The city of Babahoyo, covered in Sangay ashes, on January 7, 2024.

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