Home » Codechocó alerts three municipalities due to El Niño phenomenon

Codechocó alerts three municipalities due to El Niño phenomenon

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These are the municipalities of Riosucio, Nuevo Belén de Bajirá and Unguía.

Given a statement from the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies, IDEAM, where it officially declares the El Niño phenomenon in the country, and what is established in the National Management Plan for the El Niño Phenomenon, the Regional Autonomous Corporation for Sustainable Development of Chocó, Codechocó, called on the territorial entities of the department to carry out anticipatory, response and recovery actions to address the possible risks that may arise.

In the case of the Codechocó jurisdiction, three municipalities were prioritized in the National Plan which require special attention, these being: Riosucio and Nuevo Belén de Bajirá with a medium susceptible level, and Unguía with a low level in the face of the El Niño phenomenon. . It is necessary to adopt water saving measures, actions to reduce the heat wave and others related to the prevention of forest fires in these three municipalities.

“During this phenomenon, not only do the waters of the Pacific warm up, but also the sea level and humidity on the coast of this ocean increase,” said Jorge Adolfo Romaña, Coordinator of the Codechocó Risk Management project. And he specified that the presence of El Niño does not mean that the rains are suspended immediately, but rather that they may vary compared to historical behavior.

The general director of Codechocó, Arnold Rincón López, calls on the community in general to be attentive to possible variations that may occur in the water level, as well as avoid actions that could generate fires and, if they occur, give notice. immediately to the competent authorities in order to avoid the excessive loss of vegetation cover and the destruction of the habitat of wildlife and flora.

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Finally, Codechocó invites Chocoans to pay attention to the alerts and communications issued by the entity and to follow the following recommendations to mitigate emergencies during the less rainy season:

Make efficient use of water.

Do not turn on appliances if they are not needed.

Do not burn garbage in wooded areas or light bonfires.

Do not carry out forest burning to prepare land.

Do not throw cigarette butts.

Do not burn gunpowder on forest lands.

The post Codechocó alerts three municipalities due to El Niño phenomenon appeared first on Chocó7días.com.

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