Home » Codechocó issues orange alert due to the probability of fires

Codechocó issues orange alert due to the probability of fires

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Codechocó issues orange alert due to the probability of fires

Codechocó issues orange alert due to the probability of fires occurring in the vegetation cover in its area of ​​jurisdiction

Codechocó reports that, due to the precipitation and maximum temperature that have been generated in recent days due to the incidence of the El Niño Phenomenon, an Orange Alert is registered due to the probability of occurrence of vegetation cover fires in the municipalities of Acandí, El Carmen from Atrato and Unguía; in addition to Yellow Alert in the municipality of Bagadó, therefore it is recommended the permanent activation of the risk management and disaster response committees, made up of local authorities and emergency organizations, in order to prevent contingencies and respond immediately to the events that occur.

During the period of less rain, in addition to the risk of forest fires, there could be water shortages, depletion of sources and the phenomena associated with high temperatures, therefore, we issue some RECOMMENDATIONS to prevent emergencies:

In the face of forest fires:

Do not have campfires or controlled burns.

Do not throw cigarettes or lit matches.

Promptly notify any start of fire.

If you do outdoor activities, be sure to pick up trash, especially glass.

Comply with access restrictions to protected forest areas.

How to combat high temperatures:

Take care of your skin from the sun’s rays

Keep hydrated

Avoid infections and colds

Practice moderate exercise and avoid outdoor sports

Protect yourself against the bite of mosquitoes and other insects

Prepare light meals that help replace salts lost through sweat.

The post Codechocó issues orange alert due to probability of fires appeared first on Chocó7días.com.

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