Home » Conte ai 5Stelle: “One is worth but in positions of public importance with the honest you need the capable”

Conte ai 5Stelle: “One is worth but in positions of public importance with the honest you need the capable”

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For the “first” as leader Giuseppe Conte starts from streaming. He speaks to his “new” people, that of the 5Stelle who tonight, for the occasion, calls together in their assembly not only those elected in Montecitorio and Palazzo Madama but also MEPs, regional councilors and administrators. All in videocall for the return of the people’s advocate. The first in the format of party leader. To celebrate the “event” of course the regent Vito Crimi. To him, the task of introducing the new “prince” grillino. With us, says Crimi, “in the transition” there is “a man who loves the country and us of the 5 Stars”. A presentation that fills the grillini leathers so much that the former premier harangues the audience by describing the Movement as the author of “important pages of the most recent Italian political history”. And then down again: «If you all look back you can be proud and proud of having kept your promises. There are mistakes and naivety, those who do not commit them, but they do not obscure the battles for a more livable, green, fair and supportive Italy ». An incipit that leaves the listeners with their hearts in their throats and at the same time relaunches the path of internal “reform”, of change. A change – Giuseppe Conte points out – «A re-foundation that will not be a marketing operation, but a regeneration without denying the values ​​of the past». In short, a reinterpretation, without denying the origins. For this he launches the “charter of values”. Principles and values, he adds, “so that those who want to join this new political force have no doubts about their identity”. Starting from two solid points: A proposal that defines a clear political identity – he explains – and a proposal to equip the movement with organizational rationality, involving the various territorial organizations and civil society in a stable way ». Then he explains that after Easter, in agreement with Crimi, “I will plan a series of meetings to listen to your proposals”. Then, the key proposal of the intervention: «We must avoid the traditional party form, we will have strict rules that will oppose the formation of internal currents that inevitably end up crystallizing spheres of influence and positions of power. We do not need various associations, let’s live the new commitment entirely in the new Movement ». And he adds: “There will be a department that will deal full-time with foreign parties, and we will have a permanent training center.” Thus, therefore, Giuseppe Conte imagines the grillina refoundation, where one is always worth one, but adds “I ask you to throw your heart forward, not to fear channels of communication with citizens”. Indeed, “the movement will be uncompromising, because this inclusion should never lead us to negotiate our principles. We will have to get rid of some misunderstandings, for example rule one is worth one, which is the foundation of democracy but when it comes to designating the representative of the people in a position of public importance, we need first of all honest people but also with specific skills and I add capable “.

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