Home » Crac Sept, Ugo Cappellacci acquitted on appeal

Crac Sept, Ugo Cappellacci acquitted on appeal

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In the first instance he was sentenced to two and a half years

CAGLIARI. The deputy of Fi and former president of the Sardinia Region, Ugo Cappellacci, was acquitted on appeal in the trial for the crash of Sept Italia, a company specialized in the production of paints based in Cagliari which went bankrupt in 2010. In the first instance Cappellacci, as accountant, he had been sentenced to two and a half years. The charges for all the defendants fall, except for the former mayor of Carloforte, Marco Simeone, owner of the company: the second degree judges reduced his sentence from 9 to 7 and a half years of imprisonment, acquitting him from various charges but not the heavier ones. The Sept Italia company went bankrupt eleven years ago, generating a millionaire crash. The lawyer Dionigi Scano was also acquitted on appeal after the two and a half year sentence. The charges also fall for Luigi and Maria Simeone (4 years in the first instance), Stefano Fercia (two years) and for Elisabetta Morello, Oscar Gibellini, Antonello Melis and Riccardo Pissard (sentenced in the first trial to one year). The charges ranged from fraudulent bankruptcy to documentary bankruptcy, plus other corporate crimes. In the sentence of the Court of Appeal there are various acquittals, but for the former mayor of Carloforte and manager of the Sept some allegations of fraudulent bankruptcy have been confirmed. The defendants were all part of either the board of directors or the board of auditors of the bankrupt company with a gap of over 10 million euros. For the collapse of the Sept, the mayor Marco Simeone had ended up in prison in October 2012 and had returned to freedom after ten months in pre-trial detention and another five under house arrest. (HANDLE).

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