Home » Dangerous bodily harm on the Schriesheim Mathaisemarkt

Dangerous bodily harm on the Schriesheim Mathaisemarkt

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Schriesheim. On the first festival weekend of the Schriesheim Mathaisemarkt there was a dangerous interference with road traffic and four bodily harm crimes. Nevertheless, the festival remained largely peaceful, the police said on Monday.

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On Friday evening around 10 p.m. there was a physical altercation in the festival tent, in which a security employee was also said to have been involved.

On Saturday evening, several young people clashed on Steinachstrasse around 6 p.m. According to the police, during the course of the argument, three young people were beaten, kicked and attacked with pepper spray by five others.

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At around 11.45 p.m., the police were reported to have committed grievous bodily harm in the marquee. A previously unknown perpetrator hit a 16-year-old in the head with a wine bottle. Why was initially unclear.

Early on Sunday morning, a warning barge was placed on the B3, which a driver drove over because he could no longer brake in time. His vehicle suffered material damage of more than 7,000 euros.

Witnesses to the incidents are asked to contact the Weinheim police station on 06201/1003-0.

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