Home » Deputy of Monagas read the Act of the Declaration of Independence of Venezuela in the AN

Deputy of Monagas read the Act of the Declaration of Independence of Venezuela in the AN

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Deputy of Monagas read the Act of the Declaration of Independence of Venezuela in the AN

The Major General, Gloria Castillo, deputy for the Monagas state, was in charge of reading the text of the Act of the Declaration of Independence of Venezuela, signed on July 5, 1811.

The high honor was during the Solemn Session that on the occasion of the 212 years of the Signing of the Act of Independence of Venezuela, which took place in the National Assembly.

Deputy William Castillo, who was a speaker for Orden, said that in celebration of this day, they will not allow “the monster of violence and fascism” to enter the country again.

Deputy of Monagas in the AN

The deputy from Monagas, Gloria Castillo, read the original text signed by the representatives of seven of the 10 provinces belonging to the General Captaincy of Venezuela, on July 5, 1811.

The deputy from Monagas, Major General Gloria Castillo, read the document written by Juan Germán Roscio, one of the signatories of the Venezuelan Declaration of Independence.

The solemn act was attended by sector vice presidents, ministers of the Executive Cabinet, the first and second vice president of the National Assembly (AN), deputies Pedro Infante and América Pérez; the secretary and undersecretary, Rosalba Gil and María Alejandra Hernández; as well as the presidents of the 15 permanent commissions.

Likewise, the members of the Military High Command, headed by the Minister of Popular Power for Defense, Vladimir Padrino López; the mayoress of Caracas, Carmen Meléndez; the head of Government of the Capital District, Nahum Fernández; and part of the Diplomatic Corps accredited in the country.

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While the cadets of the Bolivarian Military Academy made the respective guard of honor around the compound, the president of the AN and the vice president of the Republic proceeded, with the usual care, to open the Ark, while everyone sang the glorious notes of the National Anthem, under the chords of the Martial Band of the Presidential Honor Guard.

After the reading of the Independence Act by the deputy from Monagas, the orator of Order, deputy William Castillo, began his order speech on the occasion of the 212 years of the historical event that today is a National Holiday.

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By: The Truth of Monagas – The best News from Monagas and Venezuela, the latest events today in Monagas, reporting in a way – Authentic and impartial!

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