Home » Direct duels for the championship crown for Geretsberg and Wesenufer

Direct duels for the championship crown for Geretsberg and Wesenufer

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Direct duels for the championship crown for Geretsberg and Wesenufer

Was that the famous shot across the bow? At the start of spring, Union Wesenufer visited title rivals Eggerding and had to admit defeat 1-2 in the top game of the 2nd class West North. After that, the team from the Danube Valley started an impressive winning streak: they won the last six games. This meant they took the lead in the table, which they now have to defend in the top game against Freinberg on Sunday (5 p.m.). Third place in the table is four points behind, so Wesenufer could shake off its first competitor for the title on Sunday.

However, a firm decision cannot yet be expected, says Wesenufer sports director Rene Dobetsberger: “We can lay a good foundation for the season finale on Sunday. It will be a close game because Freinberg will do everything in its power to stay ahead. But one thing is clear also that the momentum is currently on our side.” While Freinberg suffered their first defeat of the second half of the season last matchday (0-1 against Stroheim), Wesenufer not only has the aforementioned winning streak but also has a strong defensive record: goalie Lukas Mitterhofer has only had to defend himself twice this year. In general, Wesenufer has the best defense in the league with only 15 goals conceded in 19 games so far. “It’s obviously a great thing that we’re on such a run. Even though it wasn’t our goal to get promoted at the start of the season, we obviously want to stay ahead now,” says Dobetsberger. With a possible championship title, Wesenufer would return to the first division exactly 20 years after relegation.

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Break defense bars

From there, SV Freinberg came to the 2nd class last season and is aiming for an immediate comeback after this season. But winning a point in Wesenufer is probably mandatory. “If we lose on Sunday, the championship is decided,” says Freinberg coach Hermann Schmid, who is already working on how to break the league leaders’ defense. “Many people have tried that, but very few have succeeded. But we will throw everything into the balance,” says Schmid. If that isn’t enough to win a point on Sunday, the promotion train for Freinberg has not yet started from the coach’s point of view. “We still have some difficult games ahead of us after Wesenufer and further competition in the promotion battle with Enzenkirchen and Eggerding.”

Summit meeting on the summit mountain

There will be a duel between two direct competitors on Saturday (4 p.m.) in Geretsberg. The leader of the 2nd class Southwest welcomes the first pursuer, the Ostermiething Juniors. A complete success would mean a – probably unassailable – lead of nine points for Geretsberg with four games to go. Accordingly, coach Franz Neuhauser has sworn his team into the trend-setting game for the title over the past few days. “A win is our clear goal. We have been working towards a game like this since the start of winter preparation.” In any case, the anticipation for the match is already great in Geretsberg. More spectators than usual are likely to find their way to the Geretsberg summit mountain stadium. “The form is right. Now we want to take advantage of this opportunity, even if Ostermiething will of course go all out just like us,” says Neuhauser.

A fixed title decision could be made in the 1st Class Southwest at the weekend: If Palting/Seeham loses against Pischelsdorf on the bank holiday tomorrow, Weng could win the championship with a win on Saturday against Neukirchen and celebrate promotion to the district league for the first time .

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Valentin Berghammer

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