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Discussion of the health reform will have a decentralized session in Casanare – news

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Discussion of the health reform will have a decentralized session in Casanare – news

Three people are in the ICU and one dead person is the balance of the week from February 13 to 19. In total, they reported 16 accidents attended by municipal transit personnel, two with only material damage and 13 with injured people.

Balance of transit authority

The deceased person was Erasmo Vargas, the elderly person who was riding a bicycle and who was hit by a dump truck. The worrying thing about the event is that the driver of the car did not have a driver’s license for this type of vehicle. According to the authorities, the number of violations of traffic regulations in each of the events is worrisome.

The first of the seriously injured who is in the ICU of HORO, is a cyclist attacked, on Calle 50 with Carrera 5ta, by a truck, the driver underwent a breathalyzer test, throwing grade 1 drunkenness and now is in process before the authorities. The second seriously injured man was riding a motorcycle on the Morichal road, invaded the opposite lane and lost control of the motorcycle. At the time of the accident he was not wearing a helmet, which caused him serious injuries that keep him in the Intensive Care Unit.

The third person who is with a reserved prognosis at the Orinoquía Regional Hospital is Jimena Alejandra Camacho, who around 4 in the morning at Carrera 11 with Calle 36, apparently due to speeding, loses control. of the motorcycle and suffers overturning, he did not carry a driver’s license or a regulatory helmet.

The authorities call on citizens to comply with traffic regulations, not only because of the economic value of the fine, but also because of the responsibility one has when driving any vehicle.

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Diego García Deputy Commander of Traffic Agents asked bike users to travel cautiously, wear a helmet and keep a prudent distance from heavy vehicles.

Source: news – HOLA Casanare

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