Home » Dutch informants will continue discussions about forming a government until May 15

Dutch informants will continue discussions about forming a government until May 15

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Infnromateur Elbert Dijkgraph. — © EPA-EFE

There will be no report on the formation in the Netherlands before the deadline of Wednesday, May 15. This was announced by informants Elbert Dijkgraaf and Richard van Zwol on Friday evening. If an agreement is reached between the four forming parties, it will not be until next Wednesday, it sounds. “There will be discussions until May 15, but it depends a bit on what form and in what intensity,” says Van Zwol.

The informateur points out that the four parties involved in the negotiations – PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB – still have to provide feedback to their groups if an agreement is reached. “All of this still has to be done in this time period.”

Dijkgraaf and Van Zwol had been given until May 15 to hold formation talks. Earlier this week, Caroline van der Plas (BBB), among others, had said that an agreement was very close, but the informants are convinced that they must continue working until the deadline.

The leaders of the four forming parties met until 9:15 PM on Friday. Negotiations will continue on Saturday.

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