Home » Educational poverty: with the pandemic 8% of children and young people excluded from the dad

Educational poverty: with the pandemic 8% of children and young people excluded from the dad

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On the front of educational poverty it is a social emergency. With the new coronavirus pandemic, in fact, 8% of Italian children and young people have been excluded from any form of distance learning. The data emerged during the presentation of “The future is at stake”, an awareness and fundraising campaign by Sos Children’s Villages which aims to combat the phenomenon of educational poverty in Italy. A campaign supported by Rai for social issues, Rai Sport and the Acli Sports Union, which has the famous Rai face of Beppe Convertini as its ambassador.

Video-pills during the Olympics

Fifteen video pills will be broadcast on Rai 2 and Rai Sport during the two weeks of the Tokyo Olympic Games. According to the WHO, the Covid-19 pandemic, with the closure of schools for nearly 1.6 billion students in more than 190 countries, caused the largest disruption to education systems in history, with the digital divide leaving behind millions of students who did not have access to distance learning. Today educational poverty has become a social emergency, a phenomenon strictly connected to that of absolute poverty, a condition that affects 1 million and 346 thousand children in Italy. In fact, families with minor children have suffered the most from it, which have suffered the most serious consequences of the current socio-economic emergency, with an incidence of absolute poverty that goes from 9.2% to 11%. 6% (Istat 2020 preliminary report), a value that places our country behind the EU average. In Italy, 4 million people with irregular income are at risk of absolute poverty.

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We need PCs, tablets, printers and an Internet connection

PCs, tablets, printers and a sufficient internet connection are needed to guarantee each child full participation in remote educational and didactic activities. From 25 July to 8 August, through the number 45590, you can donate the amount of 2 euros by text message, or 5 or 10 euros by calling from a landline. With a small contribution it will be possible to support the project “The future is at stake”, to fight educational poverty in Italy by giving back to hundreds of children in difficulty the education they deserve. A social contest will be activated through the organization’s Facebook and Instagram channels during which many famous faces will invite their followers to support the fundraising of the project. Users who join the initiative will have to take a photo of themselves repeating the symbolic gesture of the heart, insert the hashtag #donacolcuore in the post and tag the social page of Sos Villaggio dei Bambini. Numerous national sports federations have joined the campaign: the Italian swimming federation, the Italian archery federation, the italian rugby federation, the italian volleyball federation, the italian equestrian sport federation.

Vezzali: “Act immediately on the consequences of the pandemic on educational poverty”

«I am particularly enthusiastic about the choice to exploit the great visibility of the Olympic Games to launch such important social messages – declared Valentina Vezzali, Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers with responsibility for sport -. Sport plays a crucial role in the growth and education of the youngest: it is capable of teaching and transmitting great values ​​with small and simple gestures. By playing one becomes brave, free, loyal and just. We have the moral and institutional duty to act immediately on the dramatic consequences of the pandemic and above all on educational poverty ». The pandemic “has considerably worsened the inequalities in access to education – recalled Roberta Capella, director of Sos Children’s Villages – as distance learning, without support and means, not only does not guarantee the right to study, but increases the gap between who has access and who does not ».

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