Home » Environmentalists against Caner: “Study the Cortina-Civetta ski connection”

Environmentalists against Caner: “Study the Cortina-Civetta ski connection”

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“By other roads” disputes the assignment entrusted to a professional. The commissioner: “We want to have a reading of the territory”

CORTINA. On 7 January, the Region entrusted the task of drafting the technical-economic feasibility study regarding the possible interval ski connections with the fulcrum Cortina d’Ampezzo – Cortina – Civetta – Alta Badia ski areas to the Studio Plintos of the engineer Diego De Carli based in Alano di Piave for an amount of 71,560 euros. All in view of the Olympics. This is the connection from the 5 Torri towards the Civetta, the Fertazza, in particular, and the one between the Falzarego Pass, the Val Parola Pass (to be reached by tunnel) and the locality of Armentarola, near San Cassiano (track and chairlift). The environmental associations immediately raised their shields by recalling, with “By other roads”, that “only a few months ago the Veneto councilor for tourism Federico Caner, speaking of ski lifts, assured that the Region was determined to invest the resources available only “In the redevelopment of existing structures, indeed first of all in their safety” ». Therefore, no to the Cortina – Arabba plant connection but no to the other connections that are occasionally brought to the attention of public opinion. “We will check if there will be sections to be completed in the existing network, but it will be the last step that we will consider”, declared the commissioner on that occasion. The environmental associations are, therefore, mobilizing again. “In essence, the Region is moving in the opposite direction to what is being planned at the level of the entire planet to counteract the climate change in progress”, says “By other roads”. “We believe it is urgent that all this be brought to the attention of international institutions as well as we expect, immediately, a severe censure by the Unesco Dolomites Foundation”. Councilor Caner replied immediately, specifying: “A feasibility study serves to give a clear interpretation of how to invest in a fragile and complex territory, so that it can remain competitive, stemming depopulation and guaranteeing a sustainable future for those who also live in tourism”. Therefore, Caner specifies, “the study entrusted was born, in full coherence with the regional transport plan approved in 2020 by the regional council, to assess the feasibility of possible inter-city connections that could further enhance slow and sustainable mobility in these territories” . “To date, in fact, there are no updated studies that can actually demonstrate that these connections are feasible or not, taking into account a very delicate environmental context, all the existing landscape constraints to be analyzed and assessed according to the regulations in force. The technical activities of this study have not yet materially started, and it will be the responsibility of the Region to evaluate the feasibility and sustainability of these initiatives in the general interest of the territory “. The regional councilor for tourism reassures that any type of investment or infrastructure does not intend to go absolutely in contrast with the protection of the mountain, a heritage that deserves to be protected and respected for the naturalistic, landscape and historical-cultural value that is essential to it. objective. “Development can only be thought of in a sustainable way, especially if we think about the future of a World Heritage property”. –

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