Home » Feltre, sheep attacked on the Telva: the camera trap shows the wolf

Feltre, sheep attacked on the Telva: the camera trap shows the wolf

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Feltre, sheep attacked on the Telva: the camera trap shows the wolf

The specimen was taken up in the locality of San Paolo at 6 am on 30 March. Gorza: “For two years I have been capturing images of animals, this is the most beautiful”

Feltre, the camera trap immortalizes the wolf in the woods in San Paolo

FELTRE. He is probably the one responsible for the slaughter of sheep owned by Amedeo Rossi: five animals all killed a few days ago in two night raids within 24 hours of each other in the lower Telva area. But this time the wolf was immortalized and the credit goes to the camera trap positioned by Lorenzo Gorza in the woods in the locality of San Paolo, therefore very not far from the place of predation, and just as not far from where Lorenzo himself returns when his job as a computer developer in Udine allows him to do so.

A passion, that for animals, cultivated by Lorenzo since he was a child and which has remained unchanged with adulthood, but with a pinch of more technology. And the short video recorded by the camera trap shows the specimen a few minutes after 6 o’clock last Wednesday, just one of the days in which the sheep were attacked and killed.

«That of San Paolo is a living wood and in these two years of observations I have captured beautiful images of deer, foxes, hares, badgers, weasels. I missed the wolf, but this time I caught him », he says satisfied.

For Gorza, the one currently shooting on the Telva could be one of the wolves that made up the litter that was spotted in the Villaga countryside last summer. Who knows if he is alone or is part of a herd because the five sheep killed in two attacks that took place within a short distance could indicate that the wolves to feed are more than one.

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Lorenzo Gorza arrived in Feltre on Thursday to spend a few days at home: «It had been almost a month since I was unable to leave Udine. When I returned to Feltre I immediately went to check if the camera trap had registered the presence of animals and I found this wolf that passes very close in the early morning. A great satisfaction ».

If Gorza has every reason to rejoice, those who own animals in the Telva area are rather worried. In the past, the electric fences did not stop the predator and even the sheep attacked in recent days were inside a fenced property. There were five of them: three were torn to pieces the first night, the other two met the same fate the following night.

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