Home » [Focus on hard work and strengthen confidence—Review of high-quality development in 2023]The return of Hunan businessmen is booming – Huasheng Online

[Focus on hard work and strengthen confidence—Review of high-quality development in 2023]The return of Hunan businessmen is booming – Huasheng Online

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The return of Hunan businessmen is booming as the province continues to cultivate fertile ground for private economic development. Hunan has seen a surge in the return of businessmen, with project construction in full swing and a strong push to make Hunan more popular for business investment.

The Desai battery energy storage cell project, set to be mass-produced in Wangcheng Economic Development Zone in May 2023, is a landmark project for the return of Hunan businessmen. This project is expected to achieve an annual output value of over 12 billion yuan and become a leading enterprise in Changsha’s advanced energy storage materials industry chain.

At a recent conference, returning Hunan businessman Wu Taibing called on overseas Hunan businessmen to return to Hunan to start businesses, citing the favorable business environment and promising investment opportunities. The sentiment is echoed by the construction of the Wanxing Technology (Changsha) Creative Science Park, with a planned investment of nearly 1 billion yuan, set to help build a global R&D center city in Changsha.

Data shows that from January to November 2023, Hunan welcomed 1,291 newly registered enterprises by returning businessmen, with a total of 557.26 billion yuan of funds in place, marking a significant increase from previous years.

To enhance the return of Hunan businessmen, provincial leaders have actively engaged with private entrepreneurs through symposiums and events, both within and outside the province. The province has also focused on creating a market-oriented, legal, and international first-class business environment to instill confidence in returning businessmen.

Hunan’s main leaders have set a “wind vane” of pro-business and pro-business, while various regions actively hold activities to attract Hunan businessmen through service initiatives such as “entrepreneur salons”. The efforts have ignited the feelings of hometown and enthusiasm for returning to invest among the majority of Hunan businessmen.

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To pave the way for a “fast lane” in both directions, the province continues to strengthen its contact and service guidance for global Hunan businessmen and the Hunan Chamber of Commerce.

The overall goal is to optimize the environment to allow Hunan businessmen to return with better clothes and make investments in their hometown. With a focus on creating a market-oriented, legal, and international first-class business environment, Hunan has seen favorable ratings in business environment evaluations.

The surge in the return of Hunan businessmen reflects a promising future for private economic development in the province, with a strong emphasis on hard work and strong confidence. As Hunan businessmen continue to invest in their hometown, they are injecting a “source of living water” into Hunan’s high-quality development.

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