Home » From tampons paid by the bio giant to the psychologist made available by the hospital, the solutions for no vax

From tampons paid by the bio giant to the psychologist made available by the hospital, the solutions for no vax

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While the no vaxes are witnessing a gradual extension of the Green Pass obligation, there is no lack of ad hoc initiatives aimed at them. From the organic giant that pays tampons to employees who do not have a green certificate to the hospital that offers psychological advice to health professionals who have not yet been vaccinated.

Organic store chain pays tampons to no-vax employees

In the midst of the controversy over the green pass in the workplace, a Venetian company has decided to move against the tide. EcorNaturaSi ‘, an organic giant with over 300 stores in Italy and 1,600 direct employees, has in fact decided that it will pay part of the cost of the anti-Covid pad for employees who have said no to the vaccine. People who do not have the Green Pass (mandatory from 15 October in the workplace) and who would have had to pay the full cost of the tampon, every 2 days, to enter work. The owners of the company – a reality that invoices about 400 million euros a year with organic food stores – argue that it is a choice to avoid discrimination between vaccinated and unvaccinated, and because – as some union leaders said – “You can’t pay to work.”


The owner: we want to avoid the divisions that unfortunately the virus has exasperated

NaturaSì has been active for about twenty years, and has brands that are now present in most Italian cities. The owner, Fabio Brescacin, explained this choice so far against the current: «We do not want to enter the controversy: our company – he said – wants to guarantee help to its collaborators. For us, an Italian organic company, in harmony with our mission, three fundamental principles are valid: respect for the health of people and the Earth, respect for individual freedom, the rights and dignity of workers. Society as a whole is experiencing a very difficult situation overall, with the emergence of the virus. We want to avoid – continued Brescacin – the struggles and divisions that unfortunately the virus has exacerbated in the relationship between people “.

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Doubts about vaccines? Health psychologist in hospital

Not only the support of the competent doctor, but also a psychological consultation. This is the initiative taken by the San Luigi Gonzaga hospital-university company in Orbassano, near Turin, where this possibility was offered to health personnel who have not yet complied with the obligation to be vaccinated against Covid, in force since the beginning. of April. At the moment, six out of about 1,500 employees, nurses and social health workers, are suspended from the hospital for this reason. But a higher number of no vax is estimated. To all of them the competent doctor sent last Thursday, September 16, a letter in which he explained that “it is possible to request an appointment with a clinical psychologist to discuss any doubts or concerns about the administration of the vaccine“.

The pressure in hospitals on those who are not yet vaccinated

The issue is topical in practically every hospital, from North to South. From the Italian wards come stories of meetings in which primary and head nurse call meetings with their staff to convince skeptics to immunize themselves, of workers who surrender to administration after the letter suspension, of others who try to circumvent the disciplinary measure with ploy, such as recourse to law 104 on assistance to a non self-sufficient family member. Internal initiatives similar to that of the Turin hospital would also have been initiated by others from health companies in Piedmont, where at the beginning of September about 10% of health personnel were not immunized against Covid, including 95 doctors suspended by the regional order for non-compliance with the vaccination obligation. However, the management of San Luigi Gonzaga wanted to clarify that the offer is not addressed only to the unvaccinated: “In order to guarantee all possible information on vaccination, psychological support has been made available where deemed appropriate in addition to that of the competent doctor, for all employees “.

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