Home » From the mountains to the Rimini seafront: three thousand people from Belluno return to march

From the mountains to the Rimini seafront: three thousand people from Belluno return to march

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From the mountains to the Rimini seafront: three thousand people from Belluno return to march

BELLUNO. “La bella del Cadore” breaks into the 400 thousand of Rimini. But Nicola Stefani, the speaker lawyer of the Ana meetings, remembers it only as a frame, because in truth he immediately paints the picture of the Dolomites. As beautiful, indeed magnificent, as problematic. And what is Stefani doing? While the Alpine troops of Cadore, red jerseys, pass in front of the minister Federico D’Incà and the president Luca Zaia, he recalls that “Comelico is afraid of the closure of the tunnel”. And he adds that those Alpine troops, those people should be listened to. He mentions the Olympics, which cannot be – he specifies – just a question of money, economics. He then cites the Comelico Nuovo Association, to add that the economy must not be the only concern of those who are in the mountains. There is everything else. In short, an unimaginable “promotion” of the issues at the center of the concerns of the Belluno area.

In addition to D’incà and Zaia, there were at least 30 mayors, the regional councilor Gianpaolo Bottacin (who did two laps, therefore at least 12 km on foot), the president of the Province, Roberto Padrin, the on . Roger De Menech, Senator Luca De Carlo (Alpine hat and tricolor headband).

The zero altitude gathering

The gathering of zero altitude, therefore, was also this, in addition to four days of emotions, half a million attendees distributed from Thursday to Sunday, 80 thousand black (and white) pens in the parade, a full half hour of catwalk, rhythmic from the “33” for the approximately 3,000 Alpine troops of the three sections of the Belluno area. And in the evening the passage of the cue from Rimini to Udine. The most satisfied is he, the very president Sebastiano Favero di Possagno. He was heartened after seeing the numbers and quality of those present. Three ministers, yesterday: Lorenzo Guerini (Defense), Vittorio Colao (Technological innovation and digital transition), Federico D’Incà (Relations with the Parliament), two regional presidents, Stefano Bonaccini of Emilia Romagna and Zaia, the generals Francesco Figliuolo and Claudio Graziano, the Army Chief of Staff, General Pietro Serino; the commander of the Alpine troops, Ignazio Gamba, also well known among the former Cadore.

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The Reservists

Favero sighed with relief as he admired the large group of students from the Scuola degli alpini, ready for the Reserve, with the vice-president of the Defense Commission, Roger De Menech, who assured them of the launch “within this year”. A Reserve to help those in need, in the most diverse emergencies. And the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella wanted to appreciate in a message the Alpine troops who “in service and on leave have participated, with good reason, in the initiatives to combat the pandemic, collaborating with the sections of the National Health Service and local institutions” . The occasion of the Rimini fashion show will be – he anticipated – “an opportunity to express the affection and appreciation that the whole country has towards them”. And so it was: “A wonderful, beautiful day”, acknowledged Minister Guerini. «A day of rebirth, in which we say thank you to the Alpine troops for the work they do and for what they have done in these two years of pandemic». Immediately shared – the Minister of Defense – by his colleague Federico D’Incà.

The sentries of the towns

“The Alpine troops have always been the” sentinels “of our communities”, he also comments on the appeal from the loudspeakers, “they have shown continuous attention towards others, engaging in voluntary work and being at the forefront even in times of difficulty for the our territories “, continues D’Incà, who adds:” From Veneto I appreciated, for example, their great work on the occasion of serious meteorological disasters such as in the case of the Vaia storm or last year’s snowfalls, when once again they demonstrated a strong spirit of self-denial. And we were all able to observe their constant and silent industriousness towards the fight against Covid, that invisible enemy that has severely tested the entire country “.

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Longing for peace

The 93rd meeting was also crossed by yearnings for peace, therefore for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine. “We cannot fail to mention here”, he says, “also the sacrifice of the Alpine troops who lost their lives in war conflicts: never as in this period, the pain caused by the war must make us reflect on the need for mutual aid and dialogue. for the resolution of any conflict “. And then the commitment to the mini naia, or at least to the Reserve service. “We need to know how to transmit the Alpine feeling at the service of the country and their generosity to the next generations to improve our society”, concludes D’Incà.

The next rallies

And now, all ready for the Cadore Brigade meeting, in mid-June, in Belluno, for the Triveneto one in Asiago, in early July. And finally for the Triveneto, in Belluno, next year.

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