Home » Gay “pedophiles and necrophiles”: new sentence for the homophobic doctor Silvana De Mari

Gay “pedophiles and necrophiles”: new sentence for the homophobic doctor Silvana De Mari

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Gay “pedophiles and necrophiles”: new sentence for the homophobic doctor Silvana De Mari

The sentence to pay a thousand euro fine for Silvana De Mari, 66, a doctor and blogger from Turin known for her anti-gay positions and recently sided with the No Vax to the point of becoming suspend from the Medical Association for his refusal to get vaccinated. The woman was accused of defamation against an LGBT club named after Mario Mieli, who filed a civil action with the lawyer Michele Poté.

Silvana De Mari

The accusation was of having associated with the club, in some statements, terms such as “pedophilia, necrophilia and coprophagia”. The defense lawyers, Gianluca Visca and Giovanni Formicola, replied that these were not criticisms aimed at activists. The first instance ruling is from 2019: a historic ruling, given that it had never happened that an LGBT association was identified as a person offended by the crime of defamation. The judge had also awarded the offended parties an immediately executive provisional payment of 5,000 euros: 2,500 for the Torino Pride coordination, and the same amount for the Lenford-Advocacy network for Lgbt + rights.

Turin, anti-gay doctor sentenced for sentences against lgbt associations


“Sorry that the true meaning of Dr. De Mari’s words has not been grasped. We will read the reasons for the sentence and we will certainly appeal to the Supreme Court”. This is what the lawyer Gianluca Visca now declares, who defended Silvana De Mari together with his colleague Giovanni Formicola. “The doctor’s words – says the lawyer – never meant to offend either the association or its members. They were just a complaint, since, in a period of austerity in which expenses for schools and hospitals were cut, the State it helped to finance a club named after a figure who in his own intellectual sphere praised a series of practices such as coprophagy and pedophilia. No persistence “.

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by Carlotta Rocci

“I am very happy to have been acquitted for saying what I think – said Dr. De Mari after that first sentence – It was my right to speak in that way and I will continue to do so, because it is my duty as a doctor”. As for the sentence, however, for the doctor it was “a sentence pronounced against the LGBT movement, which is a political and cultural association, I don’t see why an opinion cannot be expressed, but we will appeal on this”. Even in the second instance, however, his guilt was found.

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