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Grandmother, daughter and granddaughter lost their lives in an accident

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A tragic accident on the roads of Valle del Cauca has left a family devastated. Three generations, represented by a grandmother, her daughter and her granddaughter, lost their lives in an accident that occurred on the road that connects the municipality of Andalusia with Tuluá.

According to reports from the Highway Police, the fatal event involved five members of the same family, who had left from Manizales, Caldas, with destination to Cali aboard a Kia Río vehicle. The tragedy occurred when, for reasons still unknown, the driver of the car, identified as Jessica Lorena, 27, lost control of the vehicle and collided with an information billboard on the road.

The impact resulted in the loss of three lives: Jessica Lorena, who was behind the wheel; Gloria Estela Gómez, her mother; and Aura Rosa Castaño Aguirre, her grandmother. Images of the devastating state in which the vehicle was left after the accident have been spread on social networks, evidencing the magnitude of the event and the pain it has generated in the community.

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Major Javier Enrique Soto, head of the Traffic and Transportation Section of the Valle Police, expressed his regret for the tragedy and pointed out that, although the initial hypothesis points to the loss of vehicle controlthe case continues to be the subject of investigation to clarify the exact circumstances that led to the tragic outcome.

The loss of three generations in the same event has generated deep regret in the community, calling for reflection on the importance of road safety and responsibility behind the wheel. Authorities urge drivers to remain cautious and respect traffic rules to avoid future tragedies like this.

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