Home » Haseloff: The debt brake must not become a brake on investment

Haseloff: The debt brake must not become a brake on investment

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Haseloff: The debt brake must not become a brake on investment

MAGDEBURG (dpa-AFX) – Saxony-Anhalt’s Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) has called for reliable framework conditions for the economy. The debt brake is right and necessary, but it should not become a brake on investment and innovation, the CDU politician said on Tuesday at the Magdeburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s New Year’s reception, according to the State Chancellery.

Haseloff once again criticized the fact that federal subsidies should not go towards network fees. According to the head of government, electricity prices are already a disadvantage for Germany as a location, but especially for East Germany. Allowing companies and households in the East to pay for the additional expense of transporting electricity alone is not acceptable.

The network fees are part of the electricity price. The leaders of the traffic light coalition want to cancel a planned billion-dollar subsidy for wages. In the countries to the north and east, more wind power is now being generated than is being consumed there. Because the electricity network has to be expanded at great expense for transport to the south, the network fees that were previously calculated regionally are increasing.

The countries in the north-east have therefore been calling for greater harmonization of network fees for a long time, so that in the end the electricity costs are cheaper where a lot of energy is generated from wind and sun./cki/DP/jha

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