Home » How can the case of Boris Kollár help Slovakia | Opinions | .a week

How can the case of Boris Kollár help Slovakia | Opinions | .a week

by admin
How can the case of Boris Kollár help Slovakia |  Opinions |  .a week

maybe we even look at Boris Kollár with a bit of empathy, because who among us hasn’t lost our temper in marriage or have been victims, perpetrators or witnesses of a slap in the face in a partner relationship, and Kollár’s powerful sexual behavior towards women reminds us – men – of our own sexual failures . There is also a worse option: Boris Kollar’s violent power behavior leaves us indifferent, because instead of seeing him as a bully, we see just another normal man who slipped up.

I am not thirsty for anyone’s blood and I do not think that Boris Kollár is “pure evil” that has no place under the sun.

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