Home » How much does the salary of teachers in public schools and universities increase?

How much does the salary of teachers in public schools and universities increase?

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How much does the salary of teachers in public schools and universities increase?

New changes in salaries for teachers who are linked to public colleges and universities will be presented for the benefit of educators. The increases correspond to the amount set in 2023 of the CPI, which was presented at 9.28%, and 1.6% was added.

This is carried out as stipulated in decrees 0284 and 0308 of 2024, issued by the Administrative Department of Public Function. With the increases, teachers must carry out the calculation according to the category in the teaching ladder in which they are located to determine the salary increase.

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In total, the increase is 10.88% for teachers who are working at the preschool, primary, basic secondary and middle school levels. Additionally, they will receive the contractual economic benefits corresponding to payments from January 1, for which contractual payments will be set.

According to what is established in the parameters, teachers who earn a salary of less than 2,600,000 pesos per month may also obtain a transportation subsidy, as well as a food premium.

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