Home » In 2023, there will be more than 600,000 foreign trade business entities for the first time (new data, new highlights). Enterprise business processing will be more convenient, efficient and accurate – Domestic News – Jellyfish Network

In 2023, there will be more than 600,000 foreign trade business entities for the first time (new data, new highlights). Enterprise business processing will be more convenient, efficient and accurate – Domestic News – Jellyfish Network

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In 2023, China will see a record number of foreign trade business entities, surpassing 600,000 for the first time. This milestone, based on new data from the General Administration of Customs, highlights a trend towards more convenient, efficient, and accurate business processing in the foreign trade sector.

Customs officials across the country are utilizing smart technologies to empower on-site operations, monitoring, and decision-making processes. This approach aims to enhance the resilience of industrial and supply chains, while also helping businesses reduce costs and improve overall efficiency.

According to the General Administration of Customs, enterprises play a crucial role in driving economic development and growth. To support these entities, customs officials are working to make business processing more streamlined and convenient. Efforts include deepening the construction of the “single window” for international trade and optimizing the “one-stop processing” mechanism.

Additionally, steps are being taken to improve logistics and transportation efficiency, as well as enhance customs supervision through smarter technologies. Automation is being implemented at key terminals such as Shanghai Yangshan Port Phase IV and Guangzhou Nansha Port Phase IV, with processes like unmanned loading and transportation already underway.

The use of new technologies such as artificial intelligence is revolutionizing business processing for enterprises. Functions like voice input, image recognition, and intelligent search are making operations more efficient and accurate. By the end of 2023, the “Internet + Customs” integrated online service platform offered 112 government services and 37 public inquiries, while the “Pocket Customs” application provided 108 service functions. Additionally, the “single window” has been established for 875 basic services across 23 categories.

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Overall, the increase in foreign trade business entities signals a shift towards a more tech-savvy and efficient approach to business processing in China’s trade sector. With the continued integration of smart technologies, businesses can expect further improvements in convenience and productivity moving forward.

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