Home » In the Council of Ministers, the green light is given to a new law decree on the superbonus

In the Council of Ministers, the green light is given to a new law decree on the superbonus

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In the Council of Ministers, the green light is given to a new law decree on the superbonus

Magistrates tests: the CSM will appoint university professors in psychological subjects. Superbonus: the provision, which was not on the agenda, was presented by the Minister of Economy Giorgetti. Invoice discount and credit transfer eliminated

26-03-2024 – 19:32

Psycho-aptitude tests for magistrates (Ansa)

The Council of Ministers introduces psycho-aptitude tests for magistrates and a new decree on the Superbonus to “keep costs under control”.

Psycho-aptitude tests for magistrates

The Council of Ministers approved the introduction of psycho-aptitude tests for access to the profession of magistrate. As far as we know, there will be no ‘framework law’ but the old draft circulated in the last few hours has undergone changes.

The CSM will appoint university professors in psychological subjects – upon indication of National University Council, independent body of the university – which will constitute the judging commission for the psycho-aptitude tests. The psycho-aptitude interview will take place during the oral test and those who have passed the written test will receive written tests identified by the CSM, on the model of those used for police officers, before the oral test. The latter will form the basis for the future psycho-aptitude interview.

The oral interview will however be directed by the president of the examining commission, and not by a psychologist, who will be present only as an aid. Finally the examining commission, which evaluates collegially, will formulate the final judgment on the totality of the tests. There will therefore be a double level of guarantee: the CSM will regulate the tests in general and then the examining commission will decide.

New limitations to the Superbonus

New limitations to the superbonus: one foresees it law decree which was approved by cabinet. The measure, which was not on the agenda, was presented by the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti and would have the purpose of keep costs under control.

Minister Giorgetti (Ansa)

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Invoice discount and credit transfer eliminated

The decree regarding building bonuses “eliminates any type of invoice discount and credit transfer for all the typologies that still included it; we have eliminated the provision of remission in goods which would have allowed corrections until October 15th with the payment of minimal sanctions of all communications already made and provided for all new cases a new preventive communication, when work begins, in order to have monitoring of the phenomenon and not only when the invoices are uploaded”, said the Minister of Economy.

The measures adopted with the decree on superbonus and building bonuses “are aimed at definitively closing the excessive generosity of a measure which, as is known, has caused serious effects on public finances and whose effects we will be able to definitively account for in a few days when the window for all invoices and works carried out by December 31st loads. 2023,” he added Giorgetti at the end of the Council of Ministers.

26-03-2024 – 19:32

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