Home » Iran and Pakistan cool tension with ‘fraternal’ messages after bombings

Iran and Pakistan cool tension with ‘fraternal’ messages after bombings

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Iran and Pakistan cool tension with ‘fraternal’ messages after bombings

Iran and Pakistan cooled the tension this Friday with calls for their ‘fraternal’ and ‘friendly’ relations after several days of diplomatic crisis triggered by the exchange of bombings between both countries, which caused twelve deaths.

Interested in avoiding a possible escalation of tension

Both Tehran and Islamabad seem interested in avoiding a possible escalation of tension in the midst of the difficult situation in the Middle East due to the war in Gaza and the repeated attacks by pro-Iranian militias in Iraq against US positions in the country and in Syria. .

“Pakistan has always stood with Iran through thick and thin. Cooperation between the two fraternal countries is critical for peace and stability,” the Pakistani embassy in Tehran said in X.

That message came after a publication on that social network by the Pakistani Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Mumtaz Baloch, who praised “some positive exchanges” between the two countries after a tense 24 hours.

A Pakistani security official stands guard in front of the Iranian cultural center in Rawalpindi. EFE/EPA/Sohail Shahzad

Conciliatory tone from Iran

The night before, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement in which it first condemned the “unbalanced and unacceptable” attack that Pakistan perpetrated on its territory and which caused 10 deaths, and then used a conciliatory tone with its neighbor.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran adheres to a policy of good neighborliness and brotherhood between the two nations and the two governments of the Islamic Republics of Iran and Pakistan,” indicated the Foreign Ministry.

The origin of the conflict

These are the insurgent groups on the border between Iran and Pakistan, the scene of the new crisis

Tehran assured that it carried out an attack on Tuesday against “barracks and a headquarters” of the Yeish al Adl armed group in Pakistan, in an area located kilometers from residential areas, in the face of an “imminent terrorist threat” against the Iranian people.

However, Islamabad reported the death of two children in the bombing, and warned of “serious consequences”, after which it recalled its ambassador in the Iranian capital for consultations, and asked the Persian country to withdraw its ambassador in Pakistan.

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In retaliation, the Pakistani Army yesterday announced the bombing of insurgent group positions in Iran during the early hours of the morning, in which, according to Tehran, ten people died.

After the attack, the Persian country summoned the Pakistani chargé d’affaires to “ask for explanations.”

National Security Committee meeting in Pakistan

Despite the drop in tension, Pakistan today convened a meeting of the National Security Committee to be attended by Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar and Army Chief Asim Munir to review the security situation after the cross bombings. with Iran.

The attacks on Pakistani soil are in addition to other bombings that Iran carried out on Tuesday against targets of the jihadist group Islamic State in Syria and alleged Israeli bases in Iraq, in retaliation for the Kerman and Rask attacks that caused the death of more than one hundred people in the Persian country. With EFE

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