Home » Is Prime Minister De Croo an influencer for Coca-Cola? Average Rob thinks so

Is Prime Minister De Croo an influencer for Coca-Cola? Average Rob thinks so

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Influencer Average Rob has been angry on social media with Prime Minister Alexander De Croo (Open VLD), who visited the Coca-Cola factory in Zwijnaarde.

“The least I portray a brand, I am reprimanded by the Federal Department of Economics for having to mention ‘advertising’ and they threaten me with fines. That’s all well and good, but in the meantime our Prime Minister is influencing for Coca Cola without any mention of advertising,” writes Average Rob on X, the former Twitter.

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The legislation surrounding influencers has been on his mind for some time now. The rule that he had to mention his home address somewhere on his profile has been abolished. But a commercial post must still be clearly stated. Clear and not in the background. Even though that is not very aesthetically pleasing for the influencers themselves.

The comparison with De Croo is not entirely fair. The Prime Minister is not paid by Coca-Cola to advertise their factory. The opposite would really cause a riot. De Croo also makes dozens of company visits every year. Much more than advertising for the companies, this is for the political message that De Croo wants to convey about the fact that Belgium has a flourishing economy.

Although you have to add that Coca-Cola obviously doesn’t look bad in the video on Instagram. “I visited the new fully automated Coca-Cola warehouse in Zwijnaarde,” writes De Croo. “The company employs 2,200 people in our country and invested 20 million euros here. The company is making enormous efforts to become C0₂ neutral by 2040. The Ghent branch received twelve new e-trucks.”

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But would that make someone buy an extra bottle of Coca-Cola? (agy)

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