Home » Kim Ki-hyun, the Democratic and Revolutionary Party’s ‘impeachment of Yoon’, “an immoral act that exceeds the golden restrict” :: Sensitive media Newsis News Agency ::

Kim Ki-hyun, the Democratic and Revolutionary Party’s ‘impeachment of Yoon’, “an immoral act that exceeds the golden restrict” :: Sensitive media Newsis News Agency ::

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Kim Ki-hyun, the Democratic and Revolutionary Party’s ‘impeachment of Yoon’, “an immoral act that exceeds the golden restrict” :: Sensitive media Newsis News Agency ::

[서울=뉴시스] Reporter Cho Seong-bong = People Power Party Representative Kim Ki-hyun attended a gathering with senior occasion officers held on the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the twenty third. 2024.04.23. [email protected]

[서울=뉴시스] Reporter Lee Jae-woo = On the twenty sixth, People Power Party lawmaker Kim Ki-hyun criticized the discuss of impeachment of President Yoon Seok-yeol by a number of the Democratic Party of Korea and the Fatherland Innovation Party, calling it “an ongoing act of immorality. greater than political gold .”

On today, Rep. Kim wrote on social networking web site (SNS) Facebook, “Lee Jae-myung’s Democratic Party and Cho Kuk’s Fatherland Innovation Party are exhibiting excessive vanity by talking brazenly in regards to the impeachment of President Yoon Seok- sure.” He said that, “Now he’s centered on unhappy politics utilizing harsh phrases, which have a variety of weight on his shoulders as if he’s nonetheless the president, saying that he should give up to the president or he should be judged once more.”

At the identical time, he stated, “Suing a president elected by the individuals is itself an act of immorality that goes past political gold. It could be nothing however an opportunistic concept geared toward advancing private political pursuits by growing the nervousness and hatred of the individuals.” I commented.

Rep. Kim stated, “It is pure that the Marine Corps Special Prosecutor Act (Special Prosecutor Chae Sang-byeong Act) determined to conduct a particular investigation after seeing the outcomes of the Corruption Investigation Office’s investigation,” including, “If the President has doubts in regards to the outcomes of the investigation, he should first accomplish that earlier than for Parliament to request a particular prosecutor.” He additionally emphasised, “I introduced that I’ll suggest a particular investigation, however now the precedence is to care for individuals’s well being somewhat than getting concerned in political conflicts.”

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