Home » Labriego died after being run over by an ambulance in Campoalegre

Labriego died after being run over by an ambulance in Campoalegre

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Labriego died after being run over by an ambulance in Campoalegre

Marcelo Narváez, lost his life this morning in a tragic accident that occurred in the municipality of Campoalegre.

The man, who was going to work in the field, was hit by an ambulance belonging to a private company in Neiva.

According to known information, the accident took place in the sector known as La Vega on Route 45. At that moment, the ambulance violently impacted the farmer, leaving him seriously injured.

After the impact, Marcelo Narváez was quickly helped, who was urgently transferred to the El Rosario Hospital in the Arrocera Capital of Huila, where he received emergency medical attention.

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However, despite the efforts of health professionals, the farmer could not overcome the serious injuries suffered and died in the hospital due to blood loss.

Local authorities have launched an investigation to determine the exact circumstances of the accident. It is expected that a forensic analysis will be carried out and that additional testimonies will be collected to clarify the facts and determine possible responsibilities.

The news of the tragic death of Marcelo Narváez has shocked the Campoalegre community, who mourn the loss of a dedicated and respected worker in the region.

Local authorities call for prudence and responsibility of all drivers, recalling the need to respect speed limits and take extra precautions when encountering emergency vehicles on public roads.

As the investigation continues, the community unites in mourning the loss of a beloved and hard-working man.

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