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Lee Hae-chan also serves as chairman of the Democratic Alliance election committee… “More allied parliaments” :: Sympathetic Media Newsis News Agency ::

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Lee Hae-chan also serves as chairman of the Democratic Alliance election committee…  “More allied parliaments” :: Sympathetic Media Newsis News Agency ::

Accepted at the request of the Democratic Alliance 5 days before the general election.

“Please send more allied forces to the National Assembly to judge the regime.”

It seems like they were aware of the rapid progress of the Homeland Innovation Party… Democratic Alliance approval rating 16.3%

[서울=뉴시스] Reporter Jo Seong-bong = Lee Hae-chan, chairman of the standing joint campaign committee of the Democratic Party of Korea, is speaking at the National Election Committee meeting held at the central party headquarters of the Democratic Party of Korea in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 1st. 2024.04.01. [email protected]

[서울=뉴시스]Reporter Kang Joo-hee = Lee Hae-chan, chairman of the standing joint campaign committee of the Democratic Party of Korea, decided on the 5th to concurrently serve as joint chairman of the standing joint campaign committee of the Democratic Party of Korea, a pan-opposition proportional representation satellite party.

The Democratic Party’s Public Affairs Bureau announced in a notice on this day that Chairman Lee has accepted the position of chairman of the Democratic Alliance election committee. Chairman Lee was asked by the Democratic Alliance to serve as the chairman of the campaign committee, and he ultimately accepted the position as chairman of the campaign committee after receiving an interpretation that he could hold concurrent positions in the National Election Commission, etc., regardless of party affiliation.

Chairman Lee said, “To prevent the government’s recklessness, recklessness, and ruthlessness, all progressive forces for democratic reform must join forces,” and added, “The party most optimal for this is the Democratic Alliance, a brother party of the Democratic Party,” according to Song Chang-wook, spokesman for the Democratic Alliance.

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Chairman Lee said, “When the Democratic Party and the Democratic Alliance independently take charge of the National Assembly Speaker and major standing committee chairs, they can clearly exercise their legislative power,” and added, “We are ready to reveal the full story of the incidents that the Yoon Seok-yeol administration tried to cover up and quickly restore the suffering people’s livelihood.” “It is done,” he said.

He continued, “There are many proportional representation candidates in the Democratic Alliance who are ready to devote themselves to judging the regime and changing the government.” He added, “Please make sure that the Democratic Alliance, which will unite the legitimacy of the Democratic Party and the diversity of civil society, succeeds. We need more candidates to judge the government and change the government.” “Please send a large number of allied forces to Congress,” he said.

The Fatherland Innovation Party is behind Chairman Lee’s acceptance of the Democratic Alliance’s joint election committee chairmanship ahead of the general election. It appears to be a strategy to overcome the situation in which the Democratic Alliance is struggling in approval ratings due to being pushed out by the Fatherland Innovation Party, which is making progress in the opposition just a month after its founding.

As a result of a survey of support for proportional representation political parties among 1,004 voters over the age of 18 across the country on the 2nd and 3rd by Realmeter, a public opinion polling agency, at the request of the Energy Economy Newspaper, the Fatherland Innovation Party recorded 30.3, up 0.8 percentage points (p) from the previous week. % and took the lead.

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On the other hand, the Democratic Alliance only recorded 16.3%, down 2.7 percentage points from the previous week. The People’s Future, a proportional representation satellite party of the People Power Party, was 29.6% (0.6%p↓), the Liberty Unification Party was 5.9% (0.9%p↑), the New Reform Party was 5.6% (1.6%p↑), and the New Future was 3.4% (1.0%p). ↓), Green Justice Party 1.4%p (0.5%p↑), etc.

The survey was conducted by wireless (97%) and landline (3%) automated telephone calls, and the margin of sampling error was ±3.1%p at a 95% confidence level. For more detailed information, please refer to the National Election Opinion Survey Deliberation Committee.

Meanwhile, according to the ‘Operation Standards for Election Campaigns for Other Political Parties and Candidates’ announced by the National Election Commission, representatives and executives of political parties who are not candidates, etc. may make phone calls (excluding automatic transmission devices using computers) and text messages ( You can campaign for other political parties and candidates through methods such as (excluding automatic broadcast communication methods), Internet homepage, and e-mail (excluding consignment to transmission agencies).

◎ Sympathetic media Newsis [email protected]

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