Home » Liu Ji, Tongshan, Xuzhou: “Small Town Licensing+” winter training for newly recruited party members has shown effective results_China Jiangsu Net – jsnews.jschina.com.cn

Liu Ji, Tongshan, Xuzhou: “Small Town Licensing+” winter training for newly recruited party members has shown effective results_China Jiangsu Net – jsnews.jschina.com.cn

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Recently, in various townships and districts in Jiangsu province, winter training programs for newly recruited party members have been showing effective results. In Tongshan, Xuzhou, the “Township Benefit+” winter training program has been particularly successful, with participants expressing their satisfaction with the insightful lectures and practical exercises.

Additionally, in Xuzhou Drum Tower Ring Street, the winter training lectures have been described as touching the ears and hearts of attendees, with the spirit of leading by example gathering strength. The training program aims to instill important values and skills in party members, helping them become better leaders in their communities.

In Jiangsu Rudong County, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau has fired the “starting gun” for the 2024 winter training program for party members. The bureau has implemented multiple measures to strengthen party building and promote development within the county.

In Qinzao Street, Chongchuan District, Nantong City, a “three-dimensional efforts” approach has been taken to ensure that party members’ winter training is in-depth and practical. This hands-on approach is designed to equip party members with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively serve their communities.

Lastly, in Songzhuang Town, Ganyu, Lianyungang, celebrations for the Lantern Festival have been carried out with civilized practices and full energy. The festival serves as a reminder of the importance of tradition and community spirit, reinforcing the values that party members strive to uphold.

Overall, the winter training programs in these various townships and districts in Jiangsu province have been instrumental in shaping and strengthening the capabilities of newly recruited party members, ultimately contributing to the development and betterment of their communities.

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