Home » Make new and greater contributions to striving to write a new chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Qinghai

Make new and greater contributions to striving to write a new chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Qinghai

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The fifth plenary session of the 14th Qinghai Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China was recently held in Xining with the aim of striving to write a new chapter in Qinghai’s Chinese-style modernization. The meeting was chaired by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and saw speeches delivered by Chen Gang and Wu Xiaojun.

The overall requirements for the province’s work this year were outlined at the session. These include being guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly carrying out the requirements of the Central Economic Work Conference, and implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important requirements for Qinghai’s work.

The session also emphasized on the focus on high-quality development, comprehensive deepen reform and opening up, and coordination of urban and rural integration, with the goal of achieving a new chapter in Qinghai’s Chinese-style modernization.

The plenary session also reviewed and recognized the achievements of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee in the past year, affirming the progress made in various undertakings.

Furthermore, the session placed a strong emphasis on promoting the comprehensive strengthening of party building in a more sustained and effective manner and called for a more pragmatic and vigorous approach in promoting the key tasks of building a modernized New Qinghai.

The session also addressed various other aspects including economic and social work, rural revitalization, post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, protecting and improving people’s livelihood, and comprehensively strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations.

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By the end of the session, the “Decision of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th Qinghai Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China on ratifying Kong Lingdong’s expulsion from the party” was also passed.

The session also saw the attendance of several Provincial Party Committee members and alternate members along with other high-level officials and representatives.

The plenary session, guided by the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping, is aimed at accelerating the creation of ecological civilization highlands and the “Four Places” for the industry, promoting effective economic improvement, and contributing to the striving to write a new chapter in Qinghai’s Chinese-style modernization.

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