Home » Many reactions after intersection suddenly turns bright red: “The bright color will decrease” (Tervuren)

Many reactions after intersection suddenly turns bright red: “The bright color will decrease” (Tervuren)

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Tervuren –

Anyone who drives into the center of Tervuren along the Leuvensesteenweg cannot miss it. At the intersection with the cycle path from Keizerinnedreef and Broekstraat, a lot of bright red paint was applied. In this way, the municipal council wants to make the traffic situation between cyclists and motorists safer.

The intersection does attract attention, and that is also the intention. “This is the crossing of the F29, which comes from Tervuren Park and heads towards Brussels, with the Leuvensesteenweg where many cars pass,” says Mobility Alderman Bram Peters (Green+). “To make the intersection of motorists and cyclists safer and to increase attention for all road users, we have installed a large colorful area. For cyclists coming from the direction of the playground, it is impossible to see or be seen by the cars. This is due to the presence of a park wall. It cannot be removed as it is a protected monument. Cyclists do not have priority, but we want to make the situation safer.” (Read more below the photo)

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There was also a lot of buzz about the colored box on social media. Most reactions are not really positive: “The first time it rains you will see them sliding there,” someone writes on Facebook. “This is unprecedented. No city or municipality goes that far,” says someone else. And furthermore: “It seems forbidden for normal traffic”, “Why not a rainbow?”.


“I actually don’t understand that,” Peters continues. “A colorful box is actually used as standard when cyclists cross. If you follow Tervurenlaan towards Brussels, you will come across even more such boxes. So what we have done here is not special at all. The bright color will also gradually diminish.”

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“We have also taken some measures on the Leuvensesteenweg itself, from the Jazzfontein towards Tervuren center, to resolve the conflict between pedestrians and cyclists. Cyclists are now allowed to ride on the road and are protected by posts. These also cause the cars to slow down, because in the past 30 kilometers per hour were not driven here. In addition, there were also bicycle lanes and a center runner that narrowed the roadscape,” concludes Peters. (MDT)

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