Home » Media estimates: Trump wins the Republican primary in Iowa

Media estimates: Trump wins the Republican primary in Iowa

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Media estimates: Trump wins the Republican primary in Iowa

Former President Donald Trump won the Republican Party primary elections in the state of Iowa, according to what US media estimates showed on Monday evening, as a result of which his position was consolidated at the forefront of the Republican race for the White House elections scheduled for November.

CNN and CBS expected that the former president in this state located in the American Midwest would defeat his main rivals: former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

It took only 30 minutes for many American media outlets to issue their verdict of the former president’s victory, even though the result of the vote would not be announced for several hours.

These media outlets expected that the controversial billionaire would achieve a landslide victory in this state, which launched the long path to the presidential elections.

This result confirms what opinion polls have always predicted: a landslide victory for the former president in his Republican party’s primary elections.

As of 19:00 (01:00 GMT Tuesday), Republican voters in Iowa began flocking to schools, public libraries, and fire stations to cast their votes in these “election rallies” (Cocos).

The primary elections in this state are held under snow and in sub-zero temperatures.


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