Home » Meloni attack: “To the allies I say: be clear, united in the center-right or let’s go alone”

Meloni attack: “To the allies I say: be clear, united in the center-right or let’s go alone”

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Meloni attack: “To the allies I say: be clear, united in the center-right or let’s go alone”

MILAN. “You dreamed of the right loser and instead we are the serious right!” It is the last day of the Milan convention, three intense days to show that the Brothers of Italy are ready to govern. After long debates, commissions and proposals, the congressmen need to be motivated. The expedient is ancient, but it works: attacking journalists and phantom hostile observers to fuel party pride. Giorgia Meloni understands that it is time to raise her voice to gather the enthusiasm of a full audience also on May 1st: “You are in the corner with your stupid arguments.”

Felts at the FdI convention: “In Milan the origin of every phenomenon. It is no coincidence that fascism was born here”

The president of FdI with a certain stage ability pauses, sighs, raising and lowering the tone, winking and alluding. There is also a comic moment, not improvised, when she gesticulates in silence for more than a minute to show her astonishment at the TV reporters asking about fascism, Roman greetings and black shirts: “We are no longer in your labels . You tell your fairy tales, we make history ». A desired excess, so much so that she then recovers, “now I’m going back to being the leader.”

Meloni: “We will give Italy pride, with or without the center right”

The president of the Brothers of Italy is tired, and admits it, she was playing a lot these days and believes she has managed to hit the target: launch a long electoral campaign, giving life to the “new home of Italian conservatives”. After the long programmatic manifesto of last Friday, today it was necessary to change the tone. And to do this, the ideal is to look for enemies to attack, the external ones of course, but ultimately also those in the center-right, to whom he delivers a message: “We want to take this path with you, but if you weren’t there, we are ready to do it by yourself. alone “. Making controversies with the allies “would be a gift” to his opponents, yet Meloni sends strong signals: “The question is simple: we are here, on the other side there is the left. Where do you want to stay? If you want to stay on the right you need clarity, pride, no revolving doors. We win and lose together without joining forces with our opponents. I can’t stand the inferiority complexes of the series: if you go to the government, you have to do it with the left ». And then he goes into the specifics, namely the Sicilian elections: «Establish rules are valid for everyone. It means that a capable outgoing center-right governor like Nello Musumeci who intends to reapply is not sent home to spite someone because maybe he is too close to the Brothers of Italy “.

FdL, Meloni: “If Matto Salvini passed by here it would be nice. There are other important issues”

Meloni asks to fly high: «This is a time when politicians tend to ride the wave. They let themselves be dominated by events and try to derive the greatest benefit from it, only in the midst of a storm it is impossible to ride the wave. Why do we organize an event like this and the others don’t? The others are surfers, we are surfers ». Who are the surfers? Meloni does not say it, but many in the audience believe they have caught the allusion: “Didn’t Salvini come?”.

Convention FdI, the opening between slogans, doubts about the coalition and black nostalgia: the video story

Giorgia’s May Day is over. First there was the concert (not concertone) directed by Beatrice Venezi, the conductor (not “conductor”) who says he is afraid of “retaliation for expressing my ideas”. Meloni thanks her, calls her «teacher» and then «my beautiful». It is up to Vittorio Feltri, the director of Libero who makes the organization tremble with a sentence “Whoever conquers Milan conquers Rome too, because fascism was born here, but also the Lega and Forza Italia”. Her poetic license, with a grand finale: “Italy needs your success for the future, even if there is a grave in my future”.

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