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Mental disorders suffered by women in Risaralda

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Mental disorders suffered by women in Risaralda

Mental health problems among Risraldians are becoming more and more frequent. All people are susceptible to suffering from different conditions such as anxiety, bipolarity, among others. Women do not escape this reality.

Many of the cases suffered by females in the department are treated at the Risaralda University Mental Hospital (Homeris).

Beatriz Elena Villegas, manager of the Hospital, expresses that “At the Risaralda University Mental Hospital we are committed to the timely, dignified and quality care of all the women in the department, we see how anxiety disorders are the most attended with 889 cases in the last quarter, followed by bipolar affective disorder with 439 cases and reaction to severe stress or adjustment disorders with 338 cases in the last quarter. From the institution we advance with the updating of care from all fronts, both professional, technical and human, seeking to ensure that mental health care becomes less and less and also guaranteeing that women are fulfilled with the rights that they currently have. mental health“.

Also note that there are also cases associated with emotional and behavioral disorders that usually appear in childhood and adolescence. In this period of time, 262 women have been treated at Homeris for this situation.


«We want to remind all women of the rights they have in terms of mental health, for example, they have the right to psychological appointments per year which must be authorized by the EPS and if they are victims of violence or abuse the appointments are doubled. The right to receive comprehensive, integrated and humanized care from the human team and specialized mental health services… Invite them to consult and activate the care routes,” said the Homeris Manager.

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It is important to note that there are also other rights such as having a psychotherapeutic process, with the necessary times and sessions, ensuring dignified treatment to obtain results and a change in quality of life. Right to receive psychoeducation at the individual and family level about their mental disorder and forms of self-care.

Care channels

The ESE University Mental Hospital of Risaralda has the following service channels enabled: In-person application at the Homeris facilities, Avenida 30 de Agosto N 87 – 76, from 7:00 am to 12:30 pm, Monday to Friday. There is also the call center 606 3375441, through which calls are answered from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Likewise through the website www.homeris.gov.co and the email [email protected]. To cancel appointments, the number 3136861313 is available.


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