Home » Migrants, no guarantees for the reception of pregnant women. Expulsion also for those who lie about age: the draft decree

Migrants, no guarantees for the reception of pregnant women. Expulsion also for those who lie about age: the draft decree

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Migrants, no guarantees for the reception of pregnant women.  Expulsion also for those who lie about age: the draft decree

Strengthening of controls on visa applications to enter Italy

Photo Ansa


Easy expulsions for migrants considered socially dangerous but also for those who lie about their age or personal details. And for minors over 16 years of age, the possibility of being welcomed also in ordinary centers for adults in case of temporary unavailability of other structures. Guarantees are also eliminated for pregnant women, who are no longer considered a vulnerable category of people. From now on they will be able to be hosted with other migrants in the centers which, this is also new, will be able to contain double the expected capacity. These are some of the rules contained in the draft of the migrant decree expected tomorrow in the Council of Ministers.

Adults or minors, expulsion for those who lie

Expulsion for those who lie about their age or, more generally, about their identity. This is what is provided for in Article 5 of the Legislative Decree on migrants. For those who make false declarations regarding their ‘identity or personal qualities or that of others’, the penalty provided for by the Criminal Code “can be replaced with the measure of expulsion from the national territory”.

The socio-health assessment of age is carried out by multidisciplinary and multi-professional teams, but “in the case of significant, multiple and close arrivals, following search and rescue activities at sea, tracing at the border or in transit areas” and “for tracing on the national territory following entry by evading border controls, the public security authority, in carrying out dactyloscopic and photographic surveys, may immediately order the carrying out of anthropometric surveys or other health checks , including x-rays, aimed at identifying age, immediately notifying the public prosecutor at the court for persons, minors and families who authorizes their execution in written form”.

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Dismissal for serious reasons of public order

Also confirmed in the draft “expulsion may be ordered for serious reasons of public order or state security by the Minister of the Interior, giving prior notice to the President of the Council of Ministers and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation”. Furthermore, “when there are serious public security reasons, expulsion is ordered by the prefect”. The decree, which will arrive on the table of the preparatory meeting of the CDM – the pre-council – at 6.30 pm, also provides for the “strengthening of controls on visa applications to enter Italy”.

From 16 years old in ordinary facilities

“In case of temporary unavailability of temporary accommodation facilities”, the prefect “may arrange for the temporary reception of the minor aged no less than sixteen years in a dedicated section in the ordinary” centers and structures, but “for a period not exceeding ninety years”. days”. This is what the migrants bill expected tomorrow in the Council of Ministers provides.

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