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More than 170 military and police personnel deployed in four Maturín parishes

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More than 170 military and police personnel deployed in four Maturín parishes

The operation will be carried out in Maturín this weekend with the participation of the GNB, PNB, Polimonagas, Polimaturín and Cicpc

More than 170 military and police personnel deployed a new citizen security operation this weekend, for the care of four parishes in the Maturín municipality.

This was reported in the El Rosillo sector by Major General (FANB) Ernesto Edmundo Pérez Mota, commander of the Integral Defense Operational Zone No. 52 (Zodi Monagas) who was accompanied by the Secretary of Popular Power for Prevention and Citizen Security, Colonel (FANB) Eduardo Alberto Almérida Padrón, together with commanders and military and police directors of the entity.

General Pérez Mota explained that officials from the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB), Bolivarian National Police (PNB), Polimonagas, Polimaturín and the Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigation Corps (Cicpc) participate in this device.

He also indicated that this operation will be carried out in the Peace Quadrants of Las Cocuizas, La Pica, San Simón and Alto de Los Godos, with the support of 14 radio patrol units and 45 motorcycles.

“This weekend we will deploy more than 170 military and police personnel in 14 radio patrol units and 45 motorcycles to care for the Las Cocuizas, La Pica, San Simón and Alto de Los Godos parishes in the Maturín municipality, following the instructions of our president Nicolás Ripe Moors; the Minister of Interior Relations, Justice and Peace, Chief Admiral Remigio Ceballos Ichaso; and our governor, Ernesto Luna»said.

The military chief stressed that they will guarantee the peace and security of the Monaguenses and will act against criminal organizations in the region.

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“We will continue to act against all structured organized crime groups that threaten peace, tranquility and the free exercise of citizen rights here in Monagas state”.

More than 170 military and police personnel deployed in four parishes of Maturin laverdaddemonagas.com photo1683415684
More than 170 military and police personnel deployed in four parishes of Maturin laverdaddemonagas.com photo1683415693

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