Home » More than 500 Couples Celebrate Love on Valentine’s Day in Ecuador

More than 500 Couples Celebrate Love on Valentine’s Day in Ecuador

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More than 500 Couples Celebrate Love on Valentine’s Day in Ecuador


Valentine’s Day in Ecuador witnessed a beautiful event this year, as the country’s Civil Registry solemnized 502 marriages throughout the nation. The province of Pichincha led the statistics with a total of 100 couples who decided to unite their lives on this special day.

During the commemoration of Valentine’s Day, which takes place annually on February 14, the Civil Registry of Ecuador made official a total of 502 marriages throughout the country, with Pichincha being the province that registered the largest number of unions with a total of 100 weddings.

In Guayaquil, the largest city in the country, a massive event was held in the Simón Bolívar Hall, located in the Guayas Government Palace. Ten couples sealed their love in an exciting collective marriage.

For its part, in Cuenca, known for its colonial charm, 25 couples celebrated their union outside the El Batán agency, located in the Zonal Government Complex 6, where a special atmosphere was created for the occasion.

In all the Civil Registry headquarters, thematic decorations were made in accordance with the festivity, complemented by the delivery of roses and balloons to the attendees, providing a touch of magic to the celebration. The couple were accompanied by their witnesses and family, and in the midst of ceremonies full of love, they said “Yes” to this new stage of their lives.

These marriages are added to the more than 3 thousand celebrated in January of this year and the more than 51 thousand that took place throughout the year 2023 in Ecuador.

For those who wish to get married, the Civil Registry has established a simple process. Users can previously schedule an appointment through the Virtual Agency on the website www.registrocivil.gob.ec, where they will present the required documents. The rates are $50 in the agency and $250 outside of it.

In addition, Ecuadorian couples, single and without minor children, can go directly to the agency of their choice with their witnesses and enabling documents, without the need to schedule an appointment.

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