Home » My friend bin Musaed bin Hussein recorded his national history in letters of light in the great Yemen

My friend bin Musaed bin Hussein recorded his national history in letters of light in the great Yemen

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Prof. Dr. Abdul Aziz Saleh bin Habtoor*

Allah says :-
(O reassured soul, return to your Lord, satisfied and satisfactory, so enter among My servants and enter My Paradise)

And God Almighty said:
“And give good news to those who are patient, who, when a calamity befalls them, say, ‘Indeed, to Allah we belong, and to Him we will return.’”

With hearts that believe in God’s will and destiny, all of Yemen mourned its righteous son, the freedom fighter, Major General Ahmed Musaed Hussein Al-Jawani Al-Awlaki, who left this mortal world to the abode of eternal eternity on Monday, April 28, 2024 AD.

Fate has taken away the soul of my pure friend, the Mujahid, the outstanding fighter, Major General bin Musaed bin Hussein, may God have mercy on him, and may he rest in peace and grant patience and solace to all his lovers, comrades, and family. God passed away in the Sultanate of Oman, where he chose to reside and make his last residence during the time of the Saudi/Emirati aggression against the Republic of Yemen.

His pure body was transported (overland) across the wilds of the Sultanate of Oman and the eastern governorates of the Republic of Yemen, which are the governorates of Al-Mahra and Hadramaut, arriving to Shabwa Governorate. This is because the aggressive Saudi/Emirati occupation authorities had refused to have his pure body transported via one of the planes from the Sultanate of Oman to reach Shabwa Governorate. On Wednesday morning, the body arrived in the capital of Shabwa Governorate/Ataq, and most of his companions and lovers, coming from most of the governorates of the Republic of Yemen, gathered to pay their last respects to him in the sports field in the capital, Ataq. They then prayed the funeral prayer over him, and the solemn funeral procession moved from the city of Ataq to the Jabbah area. In Nissab District, where he was received by large, crowded crowds sad to bid farewell to their hero and the leader of the great Yemeni Shabwaniya transformations and victories.

My late friend, Bin Musaed Bin Hussein, struggled for seventy years and more while carrying a Kalashnikov weapon with his right hand, his thought, his beliefs, and his courageous spirit with both hands, holding on to that free weapon as he fought his enemies and opponents with a courage rarely matched. He did not take any account of this world and its enjoyment and pleasures. He struggled valiantly. He demonstrated rare heroism in the battles of the popular liberation war against the British occupation soldiers in order to liberate South Yemen from its tyrannical occupying enemies. He also struggled against the enemies of the Yemeni national revolution, and continued his self-jihad for the sake of difficult choices in a time of struggle between the colonial and reactionary powers and the agents and pillars of colonialism, so that he could contribute with his comrades. The honorable members of the National Front and the national political action factions in South Yemen in order to stabilize the pillars of the national regime at that time.

He was distinguished in his political and military journey by overwhelming courage, abundant honesty, and serious steadfastness in all the stages in which he fought his political, military, social, and humanitarian battles.

We got to know closely our friend the Mujahid / Ahmed bin Musaed in the city of Azzan, one of the cities of Shabwa Governorate, in the year 1972 AD, and it was called the Fourth Governorate at that time. We were young students in the middle school at that time, not aware of the nature of the events or those phrases that were said in all those lectures that he presented. We have that day.

The deceased came to us to visit the school and meet with us, and we met him in one of the spacious halls in the middle school in the city of Azzan, which is a relatively large school that includes a number of study halls, classes, and lecture halls with student housing to house and provide for the children of the Mayfa’a District on that day (student boarding house housing). The principal of the school that day was Professor Abdullah Ali Balqasim, a graduate from the Arab Republic of Egypt, and the supervisor of the internal students’ department was the late father, All Khader Bahmil, one of the notables of our region. The teaching staff consisted of a group of specifically Palestinian Arab teachers, as well as Yemeni teachers coming from Hadhramaut and Shabwa. And Aden.

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We did not realize that day, when we were at an early age and in that cultural meeting, that this exceptional personality would have a great importance and a pivotal political and combative role in the coming days at the level of all of Yemen.

Here I would like to whisper in the ear of everyone who wants to understand the truth about the tragic events that happened in the south of the country that day:

Stormy events occurred in southern Yemen, ravaging the country and its people as a result of the control of the extremist trend in the political bureau and the leadership of the political organization of the National Front, which ruled Aden and southern Yemen with iron and fire. Thus, the educated leadership with mature political experience and expertise was removed from the leadership of the country despite the recent experience of the national state in the south of the country. Where the first founding president of South Yemen, Qahtan Muhammad al-Shaabi, was removed, and the Prime Minister Faisal Abdul Latif al-Shaabi, Muhammad Abdul Aleem Banafa, and a number of the experienced leaders of the National Front were assassinated.

On June 22, 1969 AD, which the extremists called (a corrective step), the extreme leftist movement came to rule and control in Aden, a new leadership led by (Comrade)/Abdul Fattah Ismail as Secretary-General of the political organization the National Front, and (Comrade)/Salem Rabie Ali (Salmeen), President of the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen. And Comrade / Muhammad Ali Haitham as Prime Minister, and the arrival of comrades / Ali Ahmed Nasser (Antar), Saleh Muslih Qasim, Ali Saleh Abbad (Muqbil), Muhammad Saleh Mutee Al-Yafei, Hussein Qamatah Al-Yafei, Muhammad Saeed Abdullah Al-Sharjabi (Mohsen), and Abdulaziz Abdulwali Nasher. And Ali Salem Al-Bayd, and Abdullah Saleh Al-Bar, with this extremist partisan political team in the leadership of the Political Bureau of the National Front, they became (the people of solution and contract) as it is said in the famous Arab proverb, and as a result came the radical and extremist political, partisan, developmental and social decisions, and the idea of Decisions on the nationalization of institutions and economic developments, leading to the confiscation of barber shops and salons, as well as the nationalization of high-end and modest housing and real estate in the neighborhoods of Al-Tawahi, Al-Mualla, Crater, and Khor Maksar, all the way to the popular housing in the neighborhoods of Sheikh Othman, Sheikh Al-Dawil, Dar Saad, and Al-Mansoura…. etc.
The idea of ​​the resolutions of peasant uprisings, the nationalization and confiscation of limited agricultural holdings and others, came in addition to linking those unjust uprisings with what they called revolutionary and class violence and the liberation of the land (thousands of Muslim scholars and sheikhs and dignitaries of southern Yemen were dragged and kidnapped), and the precipitation of strange political terminology coming from the so-called socialist countries and countries. The socialist orientation at that time was imported with obtuseness, naivety, and excessive spontaneity, all of which were unanimously approved in the kitchen of the political bureau of the National Front, which filled the minds of generations with it and its indefinite letters, and letters that were difficult to digest for the minds of the simple people of our people in southern Yemen at that time, but it is a painful reality and it happened. We must acknowledge it and deal with it with great responsibility in the objective, historical, scientific evaluation of its painful events.

Why do we repeat and reiterate those painful words and events, saying them out loud that there is a group of friends, family, and others who spontaneously repeat the impact of past events, but without diagnosing them correctly, without knowing the objective reasons for their occurrence, and without knowing the sources of the decisions that were the fundamental and direct cause of the painful results? And it is unfair to our citizens, our families, and our friends, the martyrs, the wounded, the victims, and the afflicted by all those futile and miserable revolutionary measures.

Here I repeat the importance of advising everyone to return to the history files and the files of the Political Bureau of the National Front, and the prudent and serious researcher will find the information and secrets he seeks that are now part of the archives of documented history.

We must point out very clearly that the mistakes and crimes that occurred in South Yemen in the early seventies of the last century are borne by the members of the Political Bureau of the National Front and no one else, because it is the only political, executive and supervisory body in the south of the country, and it is the one who managed the state and implemented its procedures, and all its joints from the beginning to the end. Ya.

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Whoever wants to know this bitter and terrifying truth must trace its chapters, turning points, and multiple layers, and a number of those who were at the helm of the decision.
They are still alive and thriving.

As for the selfish, sophistic, naive, and stupid accusations directed without regard to a number of mujahideen and heroes, and without the lowest scientific, moral, and legal standards, they are accusations of helpless, weak individuals who speak without legal or moral evidence and have nothing to do with impudence and honor.

We return to our topic and the hadith about the heroic mujahid / bin Musaed bin Hussein, may God have mercy on him and grant him peace in His spacious gardens. It is a difficult, long and interesting hadith, and here we can continue in the article for a number of topics and under the following headings:

Firstly :-

His professional and political history and a focused overview of his political and professional career:
He was one of the pioneers of the guerrilla revolutionaries of the October 14 Revolution after its outbreak in 1963 AD. He was a member of the Front and one of the leaders of the guerrilla struggle in the land of Al-Awaliq, and after that in the city of Aden. He participated in a major role alongside his fellow revolutionaries of the National Front for the Liberation of South Yemen occupied by the British colonial occupier, until The liberation of South Yemen from the British occupation on the morning of November 30, 1967 AD.

After national independence, he was appointed commissioner of the Nissab Directorate, and then he held many important positions at various national stages and junctures, including:
-Member of the Central Committee for Political Organization, National Front, 1972 AD.
He was appointed Governor of the Fourth Governorate in 1974 AD, and Governor of the Sixth Governorate in 1976 AD.
Then he was elected as a member of the Supreme People’s Assembly for three consecutive terms.
He was appointed Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Popular Control in April 1980.
He was appointed Minister of State Security in 1985.
He was then elected to the political bureau of the Yemeni Socialist Party in 1985 AD.
– After the events of January, after achieving the blessed Yemeni unity on May 22, 1990 AD, he was appointed a member of the General Committee of the People’s Congress.
The former President of the Republic of Yemen awarded him the Medal of Courage and Unity.
In 1995, he was appointed Minister of Transport.
In 1997, he was appointed Minister of Fisheries.
In 2004, he was appointed a member of the Shura Council.
He was appointed by presidential decree in 2004 as governor of Rayma Governorate.
He was one of the most prominent Yemeni leaders participating in the national dialogue in 2013
He was one of the leaders involved in preparing to formulate a national peace project in Yemen.
He played an active role in the struggle in defending national constants at all stages
Rather, he was an important symbol, a solid and courageous leader, and a master of armed struggle and struggle for generation and generations of revolutionaries. With his departure, Yemen and the nation in general lost a great national importance that was rarely matched in the various stages of the struggle. His history is full of struggle, effort, sincerity, giving, and perseverance, which he spent in the service of his country from the beginning of the sixties until The last day of his life on April 28, 2024 AD.

secondly :-

The nature of his human personality:
The deceased / bin Musaed bin Hussein, despite his wide fame throughout the country, was distinguished by a high spirit of tolerance, closeness to the simple people, and cooperation with them to limits that Son who was close to him could not imagine.

Third :-

His bias towards the poor and oppressed:
He was distinguished by his serious and sincere cooperation with the very poor category of citizens, and due to my proximity and knowledge of his charitable work, he contributed to lifting many poor and destitute families from their living conditions and pushing them to high and dignified levels, in various ways and means available.

Fourthly :-

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His victory for political and human rights:
He was victorious a lot for the people of the governorates of Aden and Shabwa in particular, because he felt that the people of those two governorates were oppressed and deprived of development, cultural and economic projects, even though Aden is the capital and Shabwa governorate produces oil and gas, and they were referred to as Lebanon by a number of official and popular authorities in southern Yemen as the governorates. The displacement to the north of the country, given its geographical and humanitarian proximity due to its proximity to customs and traditions, and the emotional closeness of their children to the people of northern Yemen.

In addition, the unjust measures resulting from the peasant uprisings, the nationalization of housing, revolutionary liquidations, prisons, and enforced disappearances affected many of its people and elders, and that is why it triumphed for them in all stages of the conflict that took place in southern Yemen.


His tangible activity in the developmental, educational and cultural fields:-
When he took over the leadership and management of the Shabwa and Al-Mahra governorates, he focused his efforts and activities on the axes of education and the cultural and artistic aspects, because of the impact of these axes on human development and social enlightenment as a whole.

Sixthly :-

His abundant literary and poetic abilities:
He was distinguished by a sensitive poetic sense in both its emotional, human and revolutionary aspects, which inflamed the feelings and enthusiasm of the poor people of our Arab and human nations. We remember that he presented luminous poetry to the youth of the entire world, as well as enthusiastic revolutionary poetry, and life-giving humanitarian poetry. He had prepared a Yemeni poetic epic that was waiting for someone to work on it. To bring it into reality, but due to the general circumstances in the country it has been postponed. We ask God Almighty to bring it to light as an immortal Yemeni national epic, and it will be added to the immortal Yemeni poetic heritage.


Bin Musaed is considered one of Yemen’s great unionist heroes:
Bin Musaed bin Hussein deserves to have encyclopedias and volumes written about him because he is one of Yemen’s intellectuals and one of its great poets, and because he is a seasoned politician who has lived through generations of stages. Therefore, he deserves to have his books and volumes documented so that successive Yemeni generations can learn about lessons from thought, culture, poetry, politics and heroism. / Bin Musaed bin Hussein Al-Awlaki, he is not like any other human being who has passed by here, and generations will forget him. No, a thousand no, he is one of the brave heroes of Yemen who worked with rare courage under the light of the glowing sun for the sake of the great Yemen and its respected sons. Yes, this is the brave hero that the Yemeni people will remain proud of. In southern and northern Yemen, and in eastern and western Yemen, these heroes do not die, but rather they are immortal as long as the bright Yemeni eternity.

Conclusion :-

He spent his life, and throughout the years of his limited life, serving the great Yemen and its righteous people. He traveled and toured all parts of the great Yemeni homeland, carrying his rifle in his left and a pen in his right, riding the back of his greyed horse to draw, in every location, mountain, plain, and coast, a brave Yemeni heroic epic for all of great Yemen, and he died. He dreams of the constants of Yemeni unity for which he fought for a number of bright decades of his life. I salute his spirit and his sacrifices as he concludes his honorable jihad life with the crowds of his farewells, companions and loved ones in the deserts of Shabwa from all over Yemen, and under the high banner that Yemen is a graveyard for invaders, and he did not accept that Yemen should be Except free, proud, great, as it was in the time of its immortal civilizations. I salute you, O immortal Yemeni hero.
And above all a science education

*Prime Minister of the caretaker government of the Republic of Yemen / Sana’a

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