Home » Pensions, maxi slip of 200 euros more in the 14th of July

Pensions, maxi slip of 200 euros more in the 14th of July

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Pensions, maxi slip of 200 euros more in the 14th of July

A check, if not in maxi format, certainly substantial. This is what pensioners with an annual income not exceeding 35 thousand euros will receive on 1 July thanks to the 200 euros bonus. Which is foreseen by the new Aid decree also for the “early retirees” and for those who in June will have received, but with the same constraints, unemployment benefits (Naspi and Dis-Coll). A one-off that in fact will also be linked to the so-called 14th, always in payment in July with the same slip, which benefits pensioners with an annual personal income of less than 13,659.88 euros.

The timing of the bonus

The latest draft of the decree that arrived yesterday at Palazzo Chigi for the definitive passage to the Council of Ministers includes in the basin of the one-off bonus those who receive one or more pension treatments. And also those who benefit from the social allowance and the accompanying pension (usually provided for “exodus”). For all, the annual income ceiling of 35 thousand euros applies. The audience also includes workers who will be recipients of unemployment benefits by the end of next month. And in extremis the holders of citizenship income and the “seasonal” also entered.

How to get to the roof

In order to reach the 35 thousand euro ceiling, any kind of income is taken into consideration. But there is of course a list of “items” excluded from the calculation. Starting with the home, the severance pay, and the single allowance. Family allowances, war allowances, indemnities for those injured by compulsory vaccinations, accompanying allowances and those for partial blind and deaf people are also not affected.

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A “maxi” slip

The 200 euros, therefore, should be “loaded” in a lump sum in the slip arriving on 1 July in addition to the pension accrual. And with the same maxi-slip, approximately 4 million pensioners with an annual personal income of less than 13,659.88 euros will also be paid the “additional annual sum”, commonly known as the “fourteenth”, which has been paid since 2008.

How much is the 14th worth

The amount of the so-called 14th varies, depending on the years of contributions accrued (with different parameters for employees and self-employed workers), from 437 to 655 euros for pensioners with at least 64 years of age and an individual income of less than 1.5 times the amount of the minimum pension (€ 525.38) which on an annual basis is equivalent to € 10,244.91 gross. For pensioners always above the age limit of 64 and with an individual income between one and a half and two times the “minimum treatment”, therefore below 13,659.88 euros gross per year, the “value” of the 14th year fluctuates , also in relation to the years of contributions, between 336 and 504 euros.

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