Home » Quirinale, Berlusconi launches the count: probed one by one the former 5Stelle (and not only). Villarosa: “Armored candidacy proposals”

Quirinale, Berlusconi launches the count: probed one by one the former 5Stelle (and not only). Villarosa: “Armored candidacy proposals”

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There is not only Vittorio Sgarbi to act as a Berlusconian siren. But all the loyalists of the Cavaliere, who launch the transfer campaign in view of the candidacy of their leader to the Quirinale. After all, Salvini and Meloni – the allies in the center-right – in their meeting yesterday at Villa Grande said yes they were alongside the former premier but they also asked him for the numbers from the starting strips for the Colle challenge. And so, on the strength of this request, Berlusconi’s men immediately got to work. Lancia in the rest are probing the hemicycle: it starts from the “suffering” within parties, from the expelled, the “marginalized” from the secretariat, up to the “orphans” of the parties. It is no coincidence, in fact, that the former cricket Michele Sodano ended up in the squirrel operation. «I too have been approached from Fi circles, we all are right now, I haven’t given any openings because I don’t care. Berlusconi cannot be our President, ”he says. “I don’t know how many will get entangled. A direct meeting with Berlusconi is proposed. It’s a sort of siren song: maybe someone will be seduced, but personally, with all due respect, I don’t even take it into consideration », the former grillino commented. Who immediately finds at her side another grillina, Rosa Sivana Abate (now in Mixed): «I can say that I have been contacted by people who are part of Berlusconi’s entourage. Of course everyone does their job, but I have my political dignity and my personal history. What did I reply? I am a person who thinks about things, the first reflection I made was the following: the next President of the Republic must not only be the guarantor of the Constitution but also of legality and Silvio Berlusconi does not possess these requisites in any way “. “I was contacted by phone, not by Berlusconi directly. There are people in charge of doing this, people close to him who are promoting his candidacy for the Quirinale. First of all, they offered me the knowledge of the president, and I replied that I am not interested in this », continues the former grillina parliamentarian. «They leave with an invitation: whoever is interested, goes on. If there was talk of nominations? This was also mentioned in the speech. I am seriously worried by Berlusconi’s candidacy: I consider it inappropriate and in some ways embarrassing. Furthermore – concludes Abate – I remember that the Head of State also chairs the CSM and this is not an element to be neglected ».

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Same treatment for Alessio Villarosa: «I received requests for meetings from people close to Forza Italia circles but I declined, postponing the meeting until after the election of the President of the Republic. But I know of other colleagues contacted, to whom they have proposed an armored candidacy in the first position and important roles … ».

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